Journal of Disability Policy Studies

The COVID-19 Impact on Employment for LGBT Individuals With Disabilities: An Examination of the 2021 Household Pulse Survey
Surfus CR
The 2021 Household Pulse Survey (HPS) was examined as it relates to coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) and the impact on employment for the lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) community and members with disabilities. The purpose of the study was to understand the effect of COVID-19 on both groups as it relates to employment, specifically focusing on work loss. In analyzing the HPS, the population of the LGBT community was estimated as 7.6%, while members with disabilities accounted for 13.2% of the total U.S. population; 5.5% more LGBT than non-LGBT, 9.8% more members with disabilities than without disabilities, and 18.3% more LGBT with disabilities than non-LGBT and not disabled members reported work loss during the COVID-19 pandemic. I found that the LGBT community and members with disabilities were more likely to have work loss and face employment challenges during the pandemic. I attributed these findings to LGBT and members with disabilities having been more likely to work in a service sector position. In addition to work loss, data on the LGBT and disabled population and the prevalence of disability in the LGBT community were presented.
The Need for Technology-Aided Instruction and Intervention Policy for Autistic Youth
Sherwood KL, Smith MJ and Eldredge MA
This paper examines current technology-aided instruction and intervention (TAII) available for autistic transition-age youth (TAY) and existing policies that may support or hinder the delivery of these interventions. Specifically, we focus on policies that might influence the delivery of TAII to autistic TAY. After a careful review of the literature, we observed that postsecondary policy guiding the delivery of TAII designed to support autistic TAY is lacking. TAII have demonstrated effectiveness, usability, sustainability, and cost-effectiveness, particularly with this population. We suggest possibilities for future policies to support the development, implementation, and evaluation of TAII for autistic TAY.
The Bangladeshi Rights and Protection of Persons With Disability Act of 2013: A Policy Analysis
Nuri RP, Aldersey HM, Ghahari S, Huque AS and Shabnam J
The government of Bangladesh enacted the Rights and Protection of Persons with Disability Act of 2013 (the Act) in line with the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. This article sheds light on the Act with particular emphasis on (a) support offered to children with disabilities (CWDs) and their families to address their needs; and (b) the extent to which the Act is in line with the international disability policy analysis framework. We compared the Act with the 18 core concepts of disability policy developed by Turnbull et al. (2001). The results affirm the government's effort toward Sustainable Development Goals in providing support to CWDs and their families. They indicate a high degree of congruency of the Act with the core concepts. The findings also highlight the need to embrace the concepts of autonomy, confidentiality, and family-centeredness in great detail in any policy initiatives pertaining to CWDs. Furthermore, the finding shows that collaboration and coordination among ministries are imperative to achieve the goal of policies related to disability. In addition, the results highlight the need for more budgetary allocation and robust monitoring systems to track the progress of policy initiatives. As policy implementation is affected by changes in global contexts such as the coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic, policymakers in Bangladesh and other low- and middle-income countries should ensure that emergency responses are disability-inclusive and appropriate for CWDs. To ensure a disability-inclusive response, it is critical to engage individuals with disabilities and their families in meaningful consultations to identify their needs.
Implications of Physical Access Barriers for Breast Cancer Diagnosis and Treatment in Women with Mobility Disability
Agaronnik N, El-Jawahri A and Iezzoni L
More than 30 years since enactment of the Americans with Disabilities Act, people with disability continue to face physical access barriers, notably inaccessible medical diagnostic equipment, in clinical settings. Access barriers affect breast cancer screening and treatment for women with disability.
Advanced Reading Comprehension Expectations in Secondary School: Considerations for Students with Emotional or Behavior Disorders
Ciullo S, Ortiz MB, Al Otaiba S and Lane KL
The debate around recent implementation of the Common Core Standards (CCSS) has perplexed many policy makers, practitioners, and researchers; yet there remains broad agreement for the need to improve reading outcomes and college and career readiness for all students, including students with disabilities. One of the most vulnerable populations with disabilities in terms of college and career readiness is students with emotional disorders (ED). A considerable percentage of students with ED encounter unfavorable academic and long-term outcomes, often due to reading difficulties and behavioral variables that impede learning. To date, the impact of rising expectations in reading on the education of students with ED has been absent from this conversation about CCSS. In this article, we consider the implications of new reading expectations in the critical period of Grades 6-12 for students with ED. First, we summarize grade level expectations of the standards. Then, we describe the characteristics and underachievement of students with ED. Next, we evaluate challenges in meeting the expectations based on extant research, and provide recommendations for practice based on the intervention literature. We conclude by prioritizing a research and policy agenda that advocates for increasing the likelihood of success in reading for students with ED in middle school and high school.
An Inventory of Publicly Funded Participant-Directed Long-Term Services and Supports Programs in the United States
Sciegaj M, Mahoney KJ, Schwartz AJ, Simon-Rusinowitz L, Selkow I and Loughlin DM
After a decade of changes in federal law, regulation, and policy designed to promote the growth of publicly funded participant-directed long-term services and supports (PD-LTSS) programs, the number of these programs has grown considerably. The National Resource Center for Participant-Directed Services (NRCPDS) at Boston College started developing an inventory of these programs in 2010-2011 to determine the number and characteristics of publicly funded PD- LTSS programs in the United States. The 2010-2011 NRCPDS inventory provides baseline data for future research efforts in gauging the growth and expansion of this service delivery model. This article details the process for developing this data resource, some of the major characteristics of PD-LTSS programs in the United States, and discusses possible implications and areas for future research.
Reducing Obesity Among People With Disabilities
Fox MH, Witten MH and Lullo C
Achieving healthy weight for people with disabilities in the United States is a challenge. Obesity rates for adults and children with disabilities are significantly higher than for those without disabilities, with differences remaining even when controlling for other factors. Reasons for this disparity include lack of healthy food options for many people with disabilities living in restrictive environments, difficulty with chewing or swallowing food, medication use contributing to changes in appetite, physical limitations that can reduce a person's ability to exercise, constant pain, energy imbalance, lack of accessible environments in which to exercise or fully participate in other activities, and resource scarcity among many segments of the disability population. In order for there to be a coordinated national effort to address this issue, a framework needs to be developed from which research, policy, and practice can emerge. This paper reviews existing literature and presents a conceptual model that can be used to inform such a framework, provides examples of promising practices, and discusses challenges and opportunities moving forward.
Barriers and Solutions to Passing State Legislation to Protect the Rights of Parents With Disabilities: Lessons From Interviews With Advocates, Attorneys, and Legislators
Albert SM, Powell RM and Rubinstein J
Parents with disabilities experience discrimination within the child welfare, family law, and adoption and foster care systems. In response, there have been increasing calls for states to pass legislation prohibiting discrimination against parents with disabilities, and as of 2020, 28 states have passed or are considering such legislation. This qualitative study explored the perspectives of 19 advocates, attorneys, and legislators on barriers and solutions for passing legislation to protect the rights of parents with disabilities. Participants identified three barriers: (a) legislators' pejorative attitudes toward parents with disabilities, (b) external opposition, and (c) legislative barriers. Participants also identified eight solutions: (a) cross-disability advocacy, (b) education, (c) relationship-building, (d) bipartisanship, (e) support from state and national organizations, (f) strong sponsors, (g) incrementalism, and (h) model legislation. Study findings should help to inform ongoing legislative advocacy to protect the rights of parents with disabilities.
Exploring Access to Independent Living Services for People With Disabilities Through a Transportation Network Analysis
Johnson KB, Greiman L, VonReichert C and Altom B
Centers for Independent Living (CILs) are nonresidential, nonprofit agencies that provide independent living services to people with disabilities across the nation. The services CILs provide are invaluable to people with disabilities living independently in the community. Accessing CIL services can be challenging for people with disabilities, particularly for individuals in rural areas. A geographic analysis called a is one method for assessing access to CIL services. We draw on the distribution of CILs across the country and in two rural states (Montana and Arkansas) to assess levels of geographic access using travel distance along national and local road networks. Incorporating data from the American Community Survey allowed us to estimate the number of people with disabilities living within certain distance thresholds from CILs. We saw increased access in urban areas where there is a higher concentration of CILs, suggesting that people with disabilities in rural areas have limited access to CIL services. We explore how partnering with Area Agencies on Aging has the potential to expand access to services for people with disabilities in rural areas, highlighting the utility of geographic analysis in social service provision.
On the Importance of the Americans with Disabilities Act at 30
Blanck P
This article offers a glimpse of the Americans with Disabilities Act ("ADA") of 1990, as amended by the ADA Amendments Act of 2008 ("ADAAA"), at its 30th anniversary. It considers current issues before the courts, primarily legal cases from 2020 and 2021, and new questions in light of the COVID-19 pandemic, such the latitude of the ADA's antidiscrimination protections and its definition of disability. It provides a quick primer on the basics of the ADA: employment discrimination under Title I, antidiscrimination mandates for state and local governments under Title II, and commands to places of accommodation offering services to the public under Title III. The ADA at 30 remains a beacon for a future in which all people, regardless of individual difference, will be welcomed as full and equal members of society.