Transitional statistics: internal migration and urban growth in post-Soviet Estonia
Anticipating demographic superiority: Kazakh thinking on integration and nation building
"In order to understand and to forecast what kind of nations will take shape in the new states of the former Soviet Union it is important to focus on the express objectives and actual strategies of the nation builders.... In this article I will concentrate on the ideological aspect, that is, on official and semi-official statements outlining the idea of ¿the Kazakhstani nation', as Kazakhstani nation builders would like to see it develop." Particular attention is given to the changes in the ethnic composition of the country due primarily to the different demographic characteristics of the main ethnic groups that make up the population, the ethnic Kazakhs and Russians, and to the political implications of the growth of the Kazakhs from a minority to a majority ethnic group.
Rural migration and agrarian reform in Russia: a research note
This study focuses primarily on trends in rural-urban migration in Russia and the former Soviet Union. "New data suggest that a historic shift in migration patterns is underway in Russia, a change that may have profound long-term effects on agrarian reform and the nature of the Russian countryside. We begin with a short review of past rural migration trends and the rural demographic situation, in part using archival data for an oblast in central Russia. We will then present new data on rural migration. Finally, we assess the implications of rural migratory trends for agrarian reform in Russia."
The Five-Year Plan for women's labour: constructing Socialism and the "double burden," 1930-1932
Social inequality in post-Communist Russia: the attitudes of the political elite and the masses (1991-1998)
The standard of living of Soviet industrial workers in the immediate postwar period, 1945-1948
Inheriting the Soviet policy toolbox: Russia's dilemma over ascriptive nationality
Rokkan Rules? Communist Elites and the Choice of Electoral Systems in the Yugoslav Republics, 1989-1990
We use the previously neglected cases of the Yugoslav republics to revisit the question of how electoral systems were formed for the first elections during the transition from communism in 1989-1990. By exploring archival and other sources created contemporaneously by the relevant decision-makers, we build on Rokkanian interpretations of electoral system design. Unlike Rokkan, however, we do not see parties as unitary or united actors. Our analysis instead focuses on the leadership and the dominant wings of the ruling parties and shows that their preferences regarding electoral rules served their intra-party ambitions and reflected their intra-party power capacities.
The scale and nature of Stalinist repression and its demographic significance: on comments by Keep and Conquest
Czech attitudes towards the Roma: "expecting more of Havel's country"?
Environmental policy reform in the post-Communist Czech Republic: the case of air pollution
The Dialectics of Disembedding and Civil Society in Provincial Hungary
This essay applies Karl Polanyi's concepts of embedding and countermovement to provincial Hungary during and after socialism. Comprehensive state socialist repression in the 1950s was a politics-led disembedding. An economy-led countermovement began in the 1960s, later augmented by elite discourses of civil society. The 1970s and 1980s were decades of socialist embeddedness. Neoliberal configurations after 1990 dislocated both economic and associational life. The illiberal democracy of Viktor Orbán is a more consequential countermovement than the earlier countermovements to state socialism. The argument is illustrated with data from long-term fieldwork in southern Hungary, in the region of the Danube-Tisza Interfluve.
International reactions to massive human rights violations: the case of Chechnya
Agriculture and rural out-migration in Central Asia, 1960-91
"This article seeks to analyse agrarian structure and policy in the Soviet period and discuss their effect on migration from rural to urban areas. In the case of [Soviet] Central Asia, neither the various steps to bring down labour intensity in the farm sector, nor the falling standard of living in rural areas, could bring about migration from rural to urban areas. This was because in traditional societies economic mechanisms are not effective unless they are complemented by appropriate social and cultural policies. All policies were oriented towards the state's goal of vertical integration of regions with the central economy. In Central Asia in particular this policy resulted in serious distortions in the social and economic spheres."
Irrigation and water management in Turkmenistan: past systems, present problems and future scenarios
The gender base of institutional support in Lithuania, Ukraine and Russia
On Common Ground: Soviet Nationalities Policy and the Austro-Marxist Premise
This article argues that nationalities policy under Lenin and Stalin, its commitment to territorial autonomy notwithstanding, effectively put into practice the Austro-Marxist vision of a socialist multinational state and party that patronised national culture to assuage separatist tendencies. Highlighting the ideological common ground between Habsburg remedies for imperial disintegration along national lines and Soviet policies for imperial integration along the same lines, it argues that the Bolsheviks' Marxist premise of promoting national diversity and culture to defuse nationalism was prefigured and informed by the Austro-Marxist premise of making national cultural autonomy the hallmark rather than the antithesis of socialism.