Components of change in the numbers of households in Canada, 1951-1971
Socio-demographic correlates of childlessness: an analysis of the 1971 Canadian census
"The purpose of this paper is to examine childless women and the different socio-demographic characteristics associated with this demographic pattern. The study focuses on the proportion of ever-married and currently married women 15 years of age and over who were childless in 1971. The data source is the 1971 Canadian census 1 percent sample tape based on individual files, which yields a total sample of 46,376 women from all across Canada. The major correlations with childlessness among these women are age and marriage duration. The longer (and earlier) a woman is married, the lower the levels of childlessness when obvious demographic factors are controlled." It is found that "ascribed characteristics of ever-married women provide no meaningful associations to childlessness, and this description is applicable to the variables of religion, ethnicity, mother tongue, home language, and place of birth. Achieved characteristics, especially among the younger cohorts of women, are more revealing, and women who have higher family incomes, higher levels of education, who are living in large urban places and are involved in the labor force (among themselves highly correlated variables) generally have higher rates of childlessness. Implications of these findings are discussed."
Family and household composition in the nineteenth century: the case of Moncton, New Brunswick 1851 to 1871
Intermarriage and language shift in Canada, 1971 and 1976
"Basic observations are made on the linguistic outcome of mixed marriages between English, French, and Other language groups, using Canadian census data. Current trends among the major French language groups are highlighted. A longitudinal interpretation of cross-sectional age group data on intermarriage and language shift is presented, and leads to the inference, from 1971 data, of a steady increase in exogamy and anglicisation rates among most French language groups. This inference is confirmed through comparison with 1976 data. Further increase is predicted during the late seventies. It is suggested that similar techniques of analysis could be applied with profit to the study of other Canadian language groups." (summary in FRE)
Separation in Canada: new insights concerning marital dissolution
"Interfaced between marriage and divorce lies an intermediate stage of separation which involves the emotional, physical, and sometimes legal termination of a marriage at some point in time. Examination of special cross-tabulations from the 1976 Census of Canada indicates that the proportion of the population separated is equal to or exceeds the proportion divorced in every five-year age category commencing at age fifteen. The difference between the levels of separation and divorce is most noticeable for the younger and older age ranges. Further differences are [evident] by sex and across provinces. Findings suggest that a reliance upon divorce statistics alone will lead to an underestimate of the magnitude of marital dissolution in Canada." (summary in FRE)
Family background and perceived marital happiness: a comparison of voluntary childless couples and parents
The purpose of theis paper is to examine the previously reported relationships between family background, marital happiness, and voluntary childlessness in light of data collected from samples of intentionally childless couples and parents in Winnipeg. The findings show that, contrary to earlier assertions, family background factors such as birth order, size of family of orientation, mother's employment, and perceived parental happiness do not predispose individuals to voluntary childlessness. Further, while the reported level of marital happiness is higher among childless couples, the sources of marital dissatisfaction among parents are not always children.
The decline of official language minorities in Quebec and English Canada
"This paper considers the evolution of French outside of Quebec and the English in Quebec.... The total historical set of national data on ethnicity, mother tongue, knowledge of official languages and home language [is first presented]. The 120 year stability showing French at around 30 percent of the national total is a function of compensating factors including high French fertility and high English immigration. During the 1960s both of these demographic supports disappeared and thus mobility across linguistic lines has become a particularly sensitive issue. "The picture with regard to French outside of Quebec has changed rather radically in the last thirty-five years. For instance, there was one French child to every nine in 1941 and one to every twenty-one children in 1976. While the English of Quebec were once represented in various parts of the province, their strength is now largely limited to the Montreal metropolitan area which includes 76 percent of the English mother tongue group. Outside of Montreal, the English amounted to 7.9 percent of Quebec's population in 1941 and 5.6 percent in 1976. The paper concludes with a discussion of the social factors that underlie these trends and their relevance to the models of institutional and territorial bilingualism." (summary in FRE)
Continuity and change in Canada's unemployment-immigration linkage (1946-1993)
"Between 1946 and 1976, variation in unemployment rates strongly affected the number of immigrants allowed into Canada. Implementation of the Immigration Act of 1976 should have weakened the effect of unemployment on immigration, for the Act requires that immigration levels be set after consideration of demographic as well as labour market conditions. Our analysis shows the unemployment-immigration linkage actually strengthened after 1978, and only weakened significantly after 1989. Since the government's annual immigration projections are excellent predictors of immigration landings, we conclude the Canadian state is highly capable of controlling immigration levels and thus the tightening of the unemployment-immigration linkage from 1978 to 1989 reflected the choice of regulators. Discussing future research in this area, we argue that if the immigration policymaking process was not restructured in the late 1980s, an adequate model of state-society relations in this area must account for both continuity and change. However, if the process was restructured, a revised or new theoretical framework is needed." (SUMMARY IN FRE)
[Geo-linguistic mobility of the Francophone population of Quebec and Ontario]
"The relation between geographic and linguistic mobility among the population of French mother tongue in Ontario and Quebec [Canada] is explored. The results show that language behaviour, in particular the use of English as home language, is fairly regularly and coherently related to spatial behaviour. A distinct positive correlation between geographic and linguistic mobility is observed. It would seem, furthermore, that the ability of various linguistic environments to impose the dominant language is notably stronger when the dominant language is English." (SUMMARY IN ENG)
Canada's unemployment-immigration linkage: demographic, economic, and political influences
"This paper rejects Veugelers and Klassen's initial suggestion that greater concern with demographic considerations might provide a useful explanation for their empirical finding of a post-1989 change in the unemployment-immigration linkage [in Canada] and offers alternative explanations consistent with economic and, especially, sociological-political theories. It shows how elements of Hawkins's (1988) ¿bureaucratic control' and Simmons and Keohane's (1991) ¿political legitimacy' theories can be combined to explain both continuity and change in Canada's postwar immigration policy."
Canadian immigration policy in the early 1990s: a commentary on Veugelers and Klassen's analysis of the breakdown in the unemployment-immigration linkage
The author comments on an article by J. W. P. Veugelers and T. R. Klassen. "Veugelers and Klassen's (1994) paper makes an important contribution by confirming in detail three findings on Canadian immigration policy that have been noted only more casually and less clearly in previous studies. In this commentary on their paper, I seek to clarify the significance of their findings and to set forth some important issues and hypotheses which are not covered in their interpretation."
Canadian immigration policy: a reply to Foot and Simmons
This article is a response to comments on a recent article on the links between immigration and unemployment in Canada. "In their commentaries, Foot (1994) and Simmons (1994) focus on our interpretations, and advance alternative or supplementary interpretations. In this response, we critically examine the role of demographic objectives; the economic demand theory; globalization; and the state-centered immigration model."
BSE, risk and the communication of uncertainty: a review of Lord Phillips' report from the BSE inquiry (UK)