Worst choice: why we'd be better off without Roe
Rosen J
America's other drug problem: how the drug industry distorts medicine and politics
Relman AS and Angell M
Holding cell: why the cloning decision was wrong
Groopman J
Crossing lines: a secular argument against research cloning
Krauthammer C
Ban stand: cloning's big test
Kass LR and Callahan D
Preventing a brave new world: why we should ban human cloning now
Kass LR
Wrong map: why public science can't really be public
Mukherjee S
Managing fine: how to love your HMO
Easterbrook G
Brave new world: the privacy threat that didn't go away
Scarf M
Death's door: the end of euthanasia?
Emanuel EJ
Medical evolution: will Homo sapiens become obsolete?
Easterbrook G
Eight is too many: the case against octuplets
Emanuel EJ
Trial and error: can good science be bad medicine?
Hellman D
Injection rejection: the dangerous backlash against vaccination
Allen A
Bad Seed: the hard questions
Elshtain JB
The hard questions: our bodies, our clones
Elshtain JB
The wisdom of repugnance: why we should ban the cloning of humans
Kass LR
The hard questions: feed the face
Walzer M
Grim reaper
Lessenberry J and Betzold M