
Distribution of the Height of Local Maxima of Gaussian Random Fields
Cheng D and Schwartzman A
Let {() : ∈ } be a smooth Gaussian random field over a parameter space , where may be a subset of Euclidean space or, more generally, a Riemannian manifold. We provide a general formula for the distribution of the height of a local maximum [Formula: see text] is a local maximum of ()} when is non-stationary. Moreover, we establish asymptotic approximations for the overshoot distribution of a local maximum [Formula: see text] is a local maximum of () and () > } as → ∞. Assuming further that is isotropic, we apply techniques from random matrix theory related to the Gaussian orthogonal ensemble to compute such conditional probabilities explicitly when is Euclidean or a sphere of arbitrary dimension. Such calculations are motivated by the statistical problem of detecting peaks in the presence of smooth Gaussian noise.
Meerschaert MM, Scheffler HP and Stoev SA
A new approach to extreme value theory is presented for vector data with heavy tails. The tail index is allowed to vary with direction, where the directions are not necessarily along the coordinate axes. Basic asymptotic theory is developed, using operator regular variation and extremal integrals. A test is proposed to judge whether the tail index varies with direction in any given data set.
Nonparametric Spatial Models for Extremes: Application to Extreme Temperature Data
Fuentes M, Henry J and Reich B
Estimating the probability of extreme temperature events is difficult because of limited records across time and the need to extrapolate the distributions of these events, as opposed to just the mean, to locations where observations are not available. Another related issue is the need to characterize the uncertainty in the estimated probability of extreme events at different locations. Although the tools for statistical modeling of univariate extremes are well-developed, extending these tools to model spatial extreme data is an active area of research. In this paper, in order to make inference about spatial extreme events, we introduce a new nonparametric model for extremes. We present a Dirichlet-based copula model that is a flexible alternative to parametric copula models such as the normal and -copula. The proposed modelling approach is fitted using a Bayesian framework that allow us to take into account different sources of uncertainty in the data and models. We apply our methods to annual maximum temperature values in the east-south-central United States.
Pandemic-type failures in multivariate Brownian risk models
Dȩbicki K, Hashorva E and Kriukov N
Modelling of multiple simultaneous failures in insurance, finance and other areas of applied probability is important especially from the point of view of pandemic-type events. A benchmark limiting model for the analysis of multiple failures is the classical -dimensional Brownian risk model (Brm), see Delsing et al. (Methodol. Comput. Appl. Probab. (3), 927-948 2020). From both theoretical and practical point of view, of interest is the calculation of the probability of multiple simultaneous failures in a given time horizon. The main findings of this contribution concern the approximation of the probability that at least out of components of Brm fail simultaneously. We derive both sharp bounds and asymptotic approximations of the probability of interest for the finite and the infinite time horizon. Our results extend previous findings of Dȩbicki et al. (J. Appl. Probab. (2), 597-612 2020) and Dȩbicki et al. (Stoch. Proc. Appl. (12), 4171-4206 2018).
Threshold selection and trimming in extremes
Bladt M, Albrecher H and Beirlant J
We consider removing lower order statistics from the classical Hill estimator in extreme value statistics, and compensating for it by rescaling the remaining terms. Trajectories of these trimmed statistics as a function of the extent of trimming turn out to be quite flat near the optimal threshold value. For the regularly varying case, the classical threshold selection problem in tail estimation is then revisited, both visually via trimmed Hill plots and, for the Hall class, also mathematically via minimizing the expected empirical variance. This leads to a simple threshold selection procedure for the classical Hill estimator which circumvents the estimation of some of the tail characteristics, a problem which is usually the bottleneck in threshold selection. As a by-product, we derive an alternative estimator of the tail index, which assigns more weight to large observations, and works particularly well for relatively lighter tails. A simple ratio statistic routine is suggested to evaluate the goodness of the implied selection of the threshold. We illustrate the favourable performance and the potential of the proposed method with simulation studies and real insurance data.
Regression-type analysis for multivariate extreme values
de Carvalho M, Kumukova A and Dos Reis G
This paper devises a regression-type model for the situation where both the response and covariates are extreme. The proposed approach is designed for the setting where the response and covariates are modeled as multivariate extreme values, and thus contrarily to standard regression methods it takes into account the key fact that the limiting distribution of suitably standardized componentwise maxima is an extreme value copula. An important target in the proposed framework is the regression manifold, which consists of a family of regression lines obeying the latter asymptotic result. To learn about the proposed model from data, we employ a Bernstein polynomial prior on the space of angular densities which leads to an induced prior on the space of regression manifolds. Numerical studies suggest a good performance of the proposed methods, and a finance real-data illustration reveals interesting aspects on the conditional risk of extreme losses in two leading international stock markets.
Heavy-tailed phase-type distributions: a unified approach
Bladt M and Yslas J
A phase-type distribution is the distribution of the time until absorption in a finite state-space time-homogeneous Markov jump process, with one absorbing state and the rest being transient. These distributions are mathematically tractable and conceptually attractive to model physical phenomena due to their interpretation in terms of a hidden Markov structure. Three recent extensions of regular phase-type distributions give rise to models which allow for heavy tails: discrete- or continuous-scaling; fractional-time semi-Markov extensions; and inhomogeneous time-change of the underlying Markov process. In this paper, we present a unifying theory for heavy-tailed phase-type distributions for which all three approaches are particular cases. Our main objective is to provide useful models for heavy-tailed phase-type distributions, but any other tail behavior is also captured by our specification. We provide relevant new examples and also show how existing approaches are naturally embedded. Subsequently, two multivariate extensions are presented, inspired by the univariate construction which can be considered as a matrix version of a frailty model. We provide fully explicit EM-algorithms for all models and illustrate them using synthetic and real-life data.
Asymptotic behavior of an intrinsic rank-based estimator of the Pickands dependence function constructed from B-splines
Bücher A, Genest C, Lockhart RA and Nešlehová JG
A bivariate extreme-value copula is characterized by its Pickands dependence function, i.e., a convex function defined on the unit interval satisfying boundary conditions. This paper investigates the large-sample behavior of a nonparametric estimator of this function due to Cormier et al. (Extremes 17:633-659, 2014). These authors showed how to construct this estimator through constrained quadratic median B-spline smoothing of pairs of pseudo-observations derived from a random sample. Their estimator is shown here to exist whatever the order of the B-spline basis, and its consistency is established under minimal conditions. The large-sample distribution of this estimator is also determined under the additional assumption that the underlying Pickands dependence function is a B-spline of given order with a known set of knots.
Gradient boosting with extreme-value theory for wildfire prediction
Koh J
This paper details the approach of the team in the 2021 Extreme Value Analysis data challenge, dealing with the prediction of wildfire counts and sizes over the contiguous US. Our approach uses ideas from extreme-value theory in a machine learning context with theoretically justified loss functions for gradient boosting. We devise a spatial cross-validation scheme and show that in our setting it provides a better proxy for test set performance than naive cross-validation. The predictions are benchmarked against boosting approaches with different loss functions, and perform competitively in terms of the score criterion, finally placing second in the competition ranking.
Causal modelling of heavy-tailed variables and confounders with application to river flow
Pasche OC, Chavez-Demoulin V and Davison AC
Confounding variables are a recurrent challenge for causal discovery and inference. In many situations, complex causal mechanisms only manifest themselves in extreme events, or take simpler forms in the extremes. Stimulated by data on extreme river flows and precipitation, we introduce a new causal discovery methodology for heavy-tailed variables that allows the effect of a known potential confounder to be almost entirely removed when the variables have comparable tails, and also decreases it sufficiently to enable correct causal inference when the confounder has a heavier tail. We also introduce a new parametric estimator for the existing causal tail coefficient and a permutation test. Simulations show that the methods work well and the ideas are applied to the motivating dataset.
Correlation of powers of Hüsler-Reiss vectors and Brown-Resnick fields, and application to insured wind losses
Koch E
Hüsler-Reiss vectors and Brown-Resnick fields are popular models in multivariate and spatial extreme-value theory, respectively, and are widely used in applications. We provide analytical formulas for the correlation between powers of the components of the bivariate Hüsler-Reiss vector, extend these to the case of the Brown-Resnick field, and thoroughly study the properties of the resulting dependence measure. The use of correlation is justified by spatial risk theory, while power transforms are insightful when taking correlation as dependence measure, and are moreover very suited damage functions for weather events such as wind extremes or floods. This makes our theoretical results worthwhile for, e.g., actuarial applications. We finally perform a case study involving insured losses from extreme wind speeds in Germany, and obtain valuable conclusions for the insurance industry.
Probability of entering an orthant by correlated fractional Brownian motion with drift: exact asymptotics
Dȩbicki K, Ji L and Novikov S
For , where are mutually independent fractional Brownian motions, we obtain the exact asymptotics of where is a non-singular matrix and , are such that there exists some such that