Relationship Between Intense Personal Celebrity Worship and Cosmetic Surgery Consideration Among Chinese Young Women: The Serial Mediating Effects of Body Dissatisfaction and Body Shame
Shen X, Zheng P and Lyu Z
This study examined whether intense personal feelings toward celebrities are positively correlated with women's consideration of cosmetic surgery, and whether body dissatisfaction and body shame serve as possible mediators of this relationship. A sample of 605 Chinese female undergraduates completed questionnaires on celebrity worship, consideration of cosmetic surgery, body dissatisfaction, and body shame. The results revealed a significant positive correlation between intense personal feelings toward celebrities and the consideration of cosmetic surgery. Moreover, this association was mediated both independently by body shame and sequentially by body dissatisfaction and body shame. These findings provide new insights into the relationship between celebrity worship and the consideration of cosmetic surgery.
The Relationship Between Empirical Avoidance, Anxiety, Difficulty Describing Feelings and Internet Addiction Among College Students: A Moderated Mediation Model
Yi Z, Wang W, Wang N and Liu Y
With the increasing detection rate of Internet addiction in college students, the correlation between Internet addiction and emotional problems is further strengthened. Therefore, it is crucial to actively investigate the emotional mechanisms underlying college students' internet addiction to foster their healthy development. This study establishes a moderated mediation model based on the relationships among experiential avoidance, internet addiction, anxiety, and difficulty describing feelings to explore the link between experiential avoidance and internet addiction, the mediating role of anxiety, and the moderating effect of difficulty describing feelings. The study collected data from 1,591 Chinese college students across seven provinces (municipalities), utilizing measures such as the Experiential Avoidance Questionnaire, the Internet Addiction Scale, the Anxiety Subscale, and the Difficulty Describing Feelings Scale. A cross-sectional analysis was conducted to further investigate the potential emotional mechanisms behind college students' internet addiction. The results indicated that experiential avoidance significantly predicts internet addiction among college students, with anxiety mediating the relationship between experiential avoidance and internet addiction. Additionally, difficulty describing feelings moderate the relationship between experiential avoidance and anxiety. These findings further suggest that emotional disorders such as experiential avoidance, anxiety, and difficulty describing feelings are potential risk factors behind college students' internet addiction. The study recommends enhancing psychological counseling and other intervention measures in interventions for college students' internet addiction.
The Line of Emotion Dysregulation and Need Frustration from Parents to Adolescents: The Role of Parental Psychological Control
Costa S, Cannavò M, Liga F, Cuzzocrea F and Gugliandolo MC
Accumulating evidence, as outlined by Self-Determination Theory (SDT), highlights the crucial role of emotion dysregulation and basic psychological needs in shaping various psychological outcomes. Parental psychological control may play a key role in understanding how these processes develop within the family context. This study aims to examine the intergenerational transmission of basic psychological needs and emotion dysregulation from parents to adolescents, focusing on the indirect association of parental psychological control within this relationship. 210 Italian families living in the same household, consisting of biological parents and one adolescent (55% female) aged between 13 and 18 years old ( = 15.71, SD = 1.76) participated in the study. The results showed that both mothers' and fathers' higher emotion dysregulation were related to their own higher levels of psychological control, while higher maternal need frustration was related to higher perceptions of parental psychological control in adolescents. In turn, higher perceptions of parental psychological control in adolescents were related to adolescents' higher need frustration and emotion dysregulation. Furthermore, higher maternal emotion dysregulation was linked to higher adolescent emotion dysregulation, and higher paternal need frustration was linked to higher adolescent need frustration. These findings are explored in the context of SDT and highlight the significance of both emotion regulation ability and needs in shaping adolescent adjustment.
Passing the Torch: The Mediating Role of Internalization in the Intergenerational Continuity of Catholic Religious Value Transmission in American Parents
Ott J and Vonk J
Despite extensive research on the intergenerational transmission of values, the continuity of parenting practices and underlying cognitive processes of transmission have received relatively little attention. We explored the mediating role of introjected and identified internalization on the intergenerational continuity of four parenting practices related to religion (assurance, disapproval/punishment, social involvement, and encouraged skepticism). We focused on Catholicism as an important test case based on its distinctive components amongst other Christian denominations. In addition to responding to items that measured religious value internalization, 279 community members from the United States were asked to reflect on their parents' use of four religious parenting practices during their childhood, as well as the current practices they are employing with their own children. Respondents' recollections of their parents' religious parenting practices significantly predicted their own current religious parenting practices. Whereas these associations were significantly mediated through identified internalization for all four practices, only the associations between past and current social involvement and disapproval/punishment were also mediated through introjected internalization. Recollection of parenting practices predict adult children's implementation of the same practices with their own children through their level of internalization of their parents' beliefs. Importantly, the efficacy of different types of internalization appears to depend on the specific nature of the behavior to be maintained.
Differential Associations of Intrapersonal and Interpersonal Emotion Regulation with Generalized Anxiety and Social Withdrawal Among Children
Teer J, Kwon K, López-Pérez B and Enderle MJ
Anxiety and social withdrawal are common internalizing problems among children linked to poor emotion regulation (ER). We investigated how specific components of ER (emotion awareness, emotion regulation strategy) are associated with generalized anxiety and social withdrawal in the two ER domains (intrapersonal and interpersonal). Study participants were 398 fourth- and fifth-grade students (49% girls) and 22 teachers from a Midwestern state in the United States. Study constructs were measured with student self-report, peer nominations, and teacher reports. We found anxiety was linked to poorer intrapersonal emotion awareness and greater use of adaptive and maladaptive intrapersonal regulation strategies. Social withdrawal was associated with poorer interpersonal emotion awareness and lower use of supportive and unsupportive interpersonal regulation strategies. Social withdrawal was also negatively associated with intrapersonal, adaptive strategy. The findings highlight the relevance of intrapersonal and interpersonal domains of ER in helping anxious and socially withdrawn children regarding their unique emotion regulation difficulties.
A Kind Mind: Enhancing Socio-Emotional Skills in German Preschool Children Through the Mindfulness-Based Kindness Curriculum
Jansen P, Siebertz M and Portele C
: It has been shown that mindfulness-based practices are beneficial for children's cognitive and social-emotional development. In the present study, we investigated the effects of an eight-week mindfulness-based Kindness Curriculum (KC), a specially developed program for 3-6 years old preschoolers, on Executive Functions (EFs) and socio-emotional competencies. From three German kindergartens, 69 preschoolers participated. Thirty-eight children ( age = 5.30,  = 0.80) were included in the mindfulness training group, and 31 ( age = 5.30,  = 0.70) were in the wait-list control group. Due to the field character of the study, children were randomly assigned by kindergarten or by forming new groups of existing classes in one kindergarten. Before and after the mindfulness intervention, EFs were measured using Go/No-Go and Flanker tasks. Socio-emotional competencies were examined with an inventory for assessing socio-emotional competencies in three- to six-year-olds. The results showed a significant improvement in some aspects of emotional and social functions for the mindfulness group over the control group when the pretest results were integrated into the analysis. However, the mindfulness group showed no better performance concerning EFs (inhibition) than the control group. This study indicates improvement in some aspects of socio-emotional competencies in preschoolers through a mindfulness program. Further studies with more participants may evaluate if different forms of mindfulness training in preschool settings could enhance different aspects of preschoolers' development.
Insights from a Developmental Psychologist: Going Against the Grain
Fong S, Ögel-Balaban H and Bakeman R
The Run Against Social Inequality: Developmental Studies from the Global South
Bruno V, de França Sá AL and Koller S
The Evolution of Developmental Psychology: An Ethologist's Insight
Carollo A, Lim M and Vallortigara G
Relationship between Parenting Style and Peer Relationships during Early Adolescence: The Mediating Role of Parental Mentalizing
Zhou H, Tian C, Hong L, Fan Z and Chen W
Although previous research has suggested that parenting style affects children's peer relationships, the influential mechanism remains a subject of debate. We propose that parental mentalizing plays a crucial role in parenting style and peer relationships. Therefore, this study aimed to explore the relationships between family parenting styles, parental mentalizing, and peer relationships during early adolescence. In this study, 379 primary school students (Mean age = 12.17 years, SD = 0.92) and their parents were assessed using the Family Parenting Style Scale, Peer Relationship Satisfaction Scale, and a distorted mentalizing task. The results showed a mediating effect of parental mentalizing between parenting style and peer relationships. For fathers, a favorable parenting style affects children's peer relationships through mentalizing. Among mothers, interference, protection, and punishment affect their children's peer relationships through mentalizing. In conclusion, parenting style affects peer relationships through parental mentalizing. Fathers'/mothers' parenting style and parental mentalizing affect their children's peer relationships differently.
Psychological Balances in the Digital World: Dynamic Relationships Among Social Media Addiction, Depression, Anxiety, Academic Self-Efficacy, General Belongingness, and Life Satisfaction
Kalınkara Y and Talan T
In the present era, the rapidly growing social media trends of the digital age have the potential to affect the psychological well-being of individuals. In this context, understanding how Social Media Addiction (SMA) interacts with various factors is important to understanding its potential impact on individuals' psychosocial health. In particular, the prevalence of SMA and its strong relationship with important variables such as anxiety, depression, stress, academic self-efficacy, general belongingness, and life satisfaction have received considerable attention from researchers and the society. This research aims to address the relationship between SMA and these variables in a holistic manner. The research further explored the relationship between life satisfaction and depression, anxiety, academic self-efficacy, and general belongingness. The research is based on a study conducted with 616 students (388 female and 228 male; 17-32 age range) at a state university in the Southeast of Turkey. Personal information form, Smartphone Addiction Scale, Depression Anxiety Stress Scale, Academic Self-Efficacy Scale, General Belongingness Scale, and Life Satisfaction Scale were used as data collection tools. Using a structural equation modeling approach, the research not only examined the significant relationships but also examined the mediating and moderating effects in more detail. According to the research results, SMA significantly affects academic self-efficacy, general belongingness, depression, stress and anxiety. Academic self-efficacy and general belongingness both impact life satisfaction. However, SMA does not have a significant effect on life satisfaction. Moreover, it is revealed general belongingness play effective roles in the relationship between SMA and life satisfaction. As a result of the research, it was revealed that gender plays a moderating role in the relationship between SMA and life satisfaction. It has been observed that gender has a moderating role in the relationships between academic self-efficacy, general belongingness, depression, anxiety and stress and life satisfaction. Conversely, there is no moderating influence of gender on the impact of SMA on academic self-efficacy, general belongingness, depression, anxiety, or stress. Consequently, the relationships between SMA and other variables play an important role in understanding their effects on individuals' mental health.
The Moderating Role of Emotion Regulation on Shyness and Internalizing Behavior of Turkish Preschool Children
Ülker P and Metin Aslan Ö
The present study examined the moderating effect of children's emotion regulation on the relations between shyness and internalizing behavior in Turkish preschool children. Participants were  = 222 children ( = 58.20 months, SD = 11.24, 116 girls, 106 boys) attending five public kindergartens in Turkey. Mothers provided ratings of children's shyness and emotion regulation; teachers assessed children's internalizing behavior. Results indicated that shyness was positively associated with internalizing behavior and negatively associated with emotion regulation among Turkish preschool children. Moreover, children's emotion regulation significantly moderated the relationship between shyness and internalizing behavior. Specifically, among children with lower levels of emotion regulation, shyness was significantly and positively associated with internalizing behaviors while among children with higher levels of emotion regulation, shyness was not associated with internalizing behaviors. The current findings inform that the importance of improving children's emotional regulation to buffer the internalizing behaviors among Turkish shyness young children. The findings also highlight the importance of considering the meaning and implication of shyness for preschool children.
Factors Affecting Problematic Internet Use: Rejectful Parental Attitudes During Childhood
Arifoglu AT and Artan T
Studies examining the effects of perceived parental rejectful attitudes during childhood and emotional deprivation on problematic Internet use based on inter-factorial analysis are limited. The aim of this research is to examine the effects of the above-mentioned factors on problematic Internet use in people aged 18 years and over. This study used quantitative methods and convenience sampling. The sample consisted of 341 individuals aged 18 years and older. Data collection tools included a personal information form, perceived parental attitudes scale-child form, Young Internet addiction test short form, and Young schema scale short form-3. According to the results obtained in this study, there is a positive correlation between perceived rejectful parental attitudes in childhood, emotional deprivation, and problematic Internet use. Additionally, it was observed that perceived rejectful parental attitudes during childhood had a positive direct effect on problematic Internet use, and emotional deprivation played a positive and partial mediating role in this relationship. Finally, it has been observed that various sociodemographic and social skill factors have a preventive effect on emotional deprivation and problematic Internet use. Various recommendations were made regarding the results obtained at the end of this study.
Maternal Depressive Symptoms and Children's Behavioral Problems: The Moderating Roles of Emotion Regulation and Teacher-Student Relationship Quality
Wang S, Liu X, Liu Y, Li X, Chen X and Gao Y
The detection rate of children's behavioral problems is on the rise throughout the world, reaching 18.8% in China. Maternal depressive symptoms is one of the main causes of children's behavioral problems. Our study explored the moderating roles and the specific moderating mechanism of children's emotion regulation and teacher-student relationship quality in the association between maternal depressive symptoms and children's behavioral problems based on the resilience framework and the multiple moderating model. A cross-sectional survey on mothers and teachers of Chinese primary school students in grades 1 to 3 in suburban Beijing was conducted to investigate children's behavioral problems, emotion regulation, teacher-student relationship quality, maternal depressive symptoms, and demographic characteristics ( = 300) in this study. Pathway analysis and the Johnson-Neyman method were used to determine the moderating roles and the specific moderating mechanism of emotion regulation and teacher-student relationship quality. Results showed that emotion regulation and teacher-student relationship quality played moderating roles in the association between maternal depressive symptoms and children's behavioral problems and the moderating mechanism was the additive moderating model. To be specific, emotion regulation and teacher-student relationship quality played moderating roles parallelly. Emotion regulation could moderate the negative effect of maternal depressive symptoms on both internalizing and externalizing behavioral problems in children. Meanwhile, teacher-student relationship quality could moderate the negative effect of maternal depressive symptoms on children's externalizing behavioral problems. The study highlighted the value of children's emotion regulation and teacher-student relationship quality against adverse family environments and gave an orientation for intervention.
Family Socioeconomic Status and Adolescents' Academic Shame: The Chain Mediator Effect of Self-Control and Gratitude
Luo Y, Wu A, Zhang X and Zhang H
Academic shame has been found to interfere with motivation and, in turn, affect students' academic goals and achievements. This study explored the factors that influence academic shame and the underlying mechanisms among high school students by investigating the influence of family socioeconomic status on academic shame and the mediating roles of self-control and gratitude. A total of 957 high school students participated in this study and completed the Family Socioeconomic Status Questionnaire, Self-Control Scale, Adolescents' Gratitude Scale, and Academic Shame Scale. Descriptive statistics consisted of means and standard deviations. Pearson's correlations were used to test the strength of relationships among the research variables. A structural equation model was constructed, and the significance of the mediating effects was tested by percentile bootstrap analysis with deviation correction. The results showed that family socioeconomic status was positively correlated with self-control and negatively correlated with academic shame; self-control was positively correlated with gratitude and negatively correlated with academic shame; and gratitude was positively correlated with academic shame. Self-control played a mediating role between family socioeconomic status and academic shame, and self-control and gratitude played a chain mediating role between family socioeconomic status and academic shame. The mediating effect was a masking effect. Therefore, family socioeconomic status directly and negatively affected academic shame among senior high school students, and indirectly affected their academic shame through self-control and gratitude.
The Impact of Helicopter Parenting on Emerging Adults in Higher Education: A Scoping Review of Psychological Adjustment in University Students
La Rosa VL, Ching BH and Commodari E
This scoping review explored the recent literature on the relationship between helicopter parenting and psychological adjustment among emerging adults in a university setting. A literature search was conducted on PubMed, Scopus, Web of Science, and PsycINFO to identify all original peer-reviewed studies published between 2020 and 2024 in English that examined the association between helicopter parenting and indices of psychological distress among college students. Twenty-three studies were included in this review. Most of the studies were cross-sectional and were conducted in the USA and China. Helicopter parenting was significantly associated with increased anxiety, depression, and stress among college students. Factors such as self-efficacy, self-esteem, and autonomy mediate this relationship. Most studies predominantly included female participants, highlighting the need to investigate further the role of gender differences in the impact of helicopter parenting on university students' well-being. These findings highlight the need for universities to develop targeted interventions and support systems that address the specific challenges faced by students who experience helicopter parenting. Parents should also be educated on the potential adverse effects of excessive control and involvement, and more balanced parenting approaches should be promoted to support university students' mental health and autonomy. Future research should embrace more diverse cultural contexts, analyze the impact of global crises and new technologies, and use longitudinal designs with gender-balanced samples for deeper insights.
Gratitude and Social Generativity Among Young Adults: The Role of Sex and Age
Danioni F, Ranieri S and Regalia C
For a very long period of time gratitude has been mainly studied because of its positive link with personal psychological adaptation and well-being. However, gratitude does not simply enrich the individual, but it also plays a key role in the wider context where the person lives, by for example promoting prosocial behaviors and enhancing reciprocity. The current study considered the moderating role of sex and age in the association between gratitude and social generativity. We involved a sample of 237 Italian young adults aged 18-29 ( = 22.98,  = 2.20; 62% females), who were asked to fill in a self-report questionnaire aimed at measuring the mentioned constructs. The moderation model carried out confirmed that the gratitude-social generativity association was significant and positive only for the female subsample, while age was not found to moderate this link. Gratitude is therefore a positive lens through which young adults may regard their relationships, thus enhancing their social generativity, but this appears to be true only for females. Implications and further expansions of the study are discussed.
Positive LGBT+ Identity, Interpersonal Discrimination, and Satisfaction with Life: A Cross-National Comparison Between LGBT+ People in the UK, Italy, and Turkey
Baiocco R, Kaya O, Scandurra C, Pistella J, Ioverno S, Bochicchio V, Pezzella A and Laghi F
The present study explored how identity authenticity and LGBT+ community connectedness may mediate the effects of interpersonal discrimination on life satisfaction in a sample of LGBT+ participants across three counties. We used a cross-sectional online survey to collect data and paper questionnaires. Participants were 723 LGBT+ people (56.6% females): 308 (42%) of participants were from the UK, 245 (34%) from Italy, and 170 (24%) from Turkey. Participants' age ranged from 18-60 years ( = 33.83, SD = 11.55). Analysis of variance and multigroup mediation models implemented through path analysis were performed. The associations of interpersonal discrimination with identity authenticity and connectedness to the LGBT+ community showed cross-country variations. The association between interpersonal discrimination and identity authenticity was stronger in Italy than in the UK but non-significant in Turkey. Interpersonal discrimination showed a negative association with connectedness to the LGBT+ community in Italy and the UK, with Italy exhibiting the strongest effect. Conversely, this association was positive in Turkey. Irrespective of the country, life satisfaction showed a negative association with interpersonal discrimination and positive associations with identity authenticity and connectedness to the LGBT+ community. This study provides valuable insights into the differences and similarities between the experiences of LGBT+ people in the UK, Italy, and Turkey. The social and policy implications that emerge from the study highlight the relevance of addressing structural stigma in different cultures and emphasize the need for targeted interventions and supportive policies at the supranational level to improve the quality of life of LGBT+ individuals.
Ostracism and Sense of Coherence: The Mediating Role of Social Media Addiction in Adolescents
Kaya B and Cenkseven Önder F
Social belonging is of vital importance for adolescents. However, ostracism in the digital age may negatively affect adolescents' sense of coherence through social media addiction. The main objective of the current study was to investigate the associations between ostracism and sense of coherence and to conduct mediation analysis including social media addiction. The sample consisted of 425 Turkish adolescents aged between 14 and 18 years (age= 15.53,  = 1.26). Data were collected through the Ostracism Experience Scale for Adolescents, the Bergen Social Media Addiction Scale, and the Sense of Coherence Scale-Revised. The results showed that ostracism increased social media addiction, which in turn negatively affected adolescent's sense of coherence. Besides, an indirect role of social media addiction was found between ostracism and sense of coherence. Overall, these results suggest that ostracism is a risk factor for sense of coherence and that social media addiction increases this risk. Elucidating the indirect role of social media addiction between ostracism and sense of coherence is believed to shed light on the requirement for policies and intervention programmes to address ostracism and social media addiction to maintain adolescents'mental health.
The Effect of Mother's Mediation on Sibling Conflict Among Chinese Children
Cao X, Cao R, Qu G, Ding Z, Liu Y and Huang F
Thirty-four Chinese families (each consisting of a mother and two children) were recruited to participate in this study. The firstborn children had an average age of 12.00 ± 2.07 years, while the second-born children averaged 7.57 ± 2.51 years old. The families were randomly divided into mediation and control groups. The mothers in the mediation group underwent mediation training, whereas those in the control group received no treatment. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) and Chi-square tests were utilized to analyze data on sibling conflict. Results indicated that the mothers in the mediation group reported significantly less negative behavior in helping their children resolve sibling disputes compared to those in the control group. Mediation group mothers reported significantly fewer sibling conflicts compared to control group mothers. No significant differences were observed between children in the mediation group and the control group regarding positive and negative behaviors recorded by mothers. These results indicate that mediation training may better equip Chinese mothers with the ability to resolve sibling conflicts in their families.
Personality Traits and Quality of Life Among Older Adults: The Chain Mediating Effects of Perceived Social Support and Positive Coping Styles
Gu M, Zhao Y, Tong F, Zhang H and Zhong Y
The pathways between personality traits and older adults' quality of life (QOL) have been well studied. However, perceived social support and positive coping styles should not be ignored by older adults' QOL. Hence, this study examines the chain mediating role of perceived social support and positive coping styles between personality traits and older adults' QOL. In total, 230 older individuals ( = 69.43, = 7.23, age range from 60 to 93) participated in this study. All older people provided a rating of QOL and perceived social support, the Chinese Big Five personality, and positive coping styles. (1a) the five personality traits of older adults were significantly associated with QOL; (2b) perceived social support mediated the relationship between three personality traits (neuroticism, extraversion, and agreeableness) and QOL; (3c) positive coping styles played a mediator role in the personality traits (neuroticism, extraversion, and agreeableness) and QOL; (4d) perceived social support and positive coping styles had a significant chain mediating effect on the three dimensions of personality traits (neuroticism, extraversion, and agreeableness) and QOL. As mediating influences, social support and positive coping styles can be applied to efforts to promote QOL for older adults who share the personality traits of neuroticism, extraversion, and agreeableness.