Seminars in Orthodontics

Significance of radiographic temporomandibular degenerative joint disease findings
Wadhwa S, Skelton M, Fernandez E, Paek T, Levit M and Yin MT
The field of orthodontics has seen a recent increase in the number of patients over the age of 50 seeking treatment and also an increase in the use of cone beam technology. Similar to other joints in the body, the temporomandibular joint (TMJ) is associated with age-related degeneration. However, unlike other joints, degeneration of the TMJ is rarely symptomatic and when there is pain, it is usually self-limiting. In this article, we will review: a) the incidence and prevalence of TMJ degenerative diseases, b) similarities and differences of TMJ vs knee degenerative diseases, and c) current treatment recommendations for TMJ degenerative diseases. In the vast majority of people, radiographic evidence of TMJ degeneration is an incidental finding. Future longitudinal research is needed to follow the natural course of TMJ degenerative patients.
Decision Support Systems in Temporomandibular Joint Osteoarthritis: A review of Data Science and Artificial Intelligence Applications
Bianchi J, Ruellas A, Prieto JC, Li T, Soroushmehr R, Najarian K, Gryak J, Deleat-Besson R, Le C, Yatabe M, Gurgel M, Turkestani NA, Paniagua B and Cevidanes L
With the exponential growth of computational systems and increased patient data acquisition, dental research faces new challenges to manage a large quantity of information. For this reason, data science approaches are needed for the integrative diagnosis of multifactorial diseases, such as Temporomandibular joint (TMJ) Osteoarthritis (OA). The Data science spectrum includes data capture/acquisition, data processing with optimized web-based storage and management, data analytics involving in-depth statistical analysis, machine learning (ML) approaches, and data communication. Artificial intelligence (AI) plays a crucial role in this process. It consists of developing computational systems that can perform human intelligence tasks, such as disease diagnosis, using many features to help in the decision-making support. Patient's clinical parameters, imaging exams, and molecular data are used as the input in cross-validation tasks, and human annotation/diagnosis is also used as the gold standard to train computational learning models and automatic disease classifiers. This paper aims to review and describe AI and ML techniques to diagnose TMJ OA and data science approaches for imaging processing. We used a web-based system for multi-center data communication, algorithms integration, statistics deployment, and process the computational machine learning models. We successfully show AI and data-science applications using patients' data to improve the TMJ OA diagnosis decision-making towards personalized medicine.
The inconspicuous nature of COVID-19 and its impact to dentistry
Brandolin BA, Watson CA, Resnick SJ, Allen KL and Ritter AV
To state that the new coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 has broadly and deeply impacted our lives is an understatement. Since it first showed up on our radar in December 2019, the new coronavirus has wreaked havoc on virtually all businesses and industries across the globe. The impact is equally felt in developing, developed, industrialized, rural, rich, and poor countries and communities, irrespective of how well-prepared those countries and communities felt they were 9 months ago. To this day we are still learning to prepare for, respond to, and adapt to the broad and deep impact of this virus. This essay presents different perspectives on the impact of the novel coronavirus to dentistry, through the lenses of a private practice-based general dentist, a nursing home-based public health dentist, and a school of dentistry clinical director. The goal of the essay is to share our experiences and challenges, as well as highlight our capacity to respond to a crisis with resilience, determination, creativity, inventivity, and, most importantly, humility and altruism.
Placebo hypoalgesic effects in pain: Potential applications in dental and orofacial pain management
Blasini M, Movsas S and Colloca L
Placebo and nocebo effects are present within every treatment and intervention, and can be purposefully enhanced and reduced, respectively, in order to improve patients' clinical outcomes. A plethora of research has been conducted on the mechanisms of placebo hypoalgesia and nocebo hyperalgesia in experimental and clinical settings. However, its implications in particular clinical settings such as orthodontic pain management remain underexplored. We conducted a search of the literature regarding placebo analgesia, orthodontic pain management, and orofacial and dental pain. Articles were qualitatively assessed and selected based on the scope of this narrative review. Although no studies investigating the extent of the implications of the placebo and nocebo phenomena in the orthodontic clinical setting were found, we herein present a comprehensive review on the influences of placebo and nocebo effects in experimental and clinical pain management, as well as on the potential for engaging placebo-related endogenous pain modulation for orthodontic pain management. Ethical considerations for the clinical application of placebos are discussed, and future research directions are presented.
Heredity, Genetics and Orthodontics - How Much Has This Research Really Helped?
Hartsfield JK, Jacob GJ and Morford LA
Uncovering the genetic factors that correlate with a clinical deviation of previously unknown etiology helps to diminish the unknown variation influencing the phenotype. Clinical studies, particularly those that consider the effects of an appliance or treatment regimen on growth, need to be a part of these types of genetic investigations in the future. While the day-to-day utilization of "testing" for genetic factors is not ready for practice yet, genetic testing for monogenic traits such as Primary Failure of Eruption (PFE) and Class III malocclusion is showing more promise as knowledge and technology advances. Although the heterogeneous complexity of such things as facial and dental development, the physiology of tooth movement, and the occurrence of External Apical Root Resorption (EARR) make their precise prediction untenable, investigations into the genetic factors that influence different phenotypes, and how these factors may relate to or impact environmental factors (including orthodontic treatment) are becoming better understood. The most important "genetic test" the practitioner can do today is to gather the patient's individual and family history. This would greatly benefit the patient, and augment the usefulness of these families in future clinical research in which clinical findings, environmental, and genetic factors can be studied.
EVIDENCE AND CLINICAL DECISIONS: Asking the Right Questions to Obtain Clinically Useful Answers
Proffit WR
Orthodontists need to know the effectiveness, efficiency and predictability of treatment approaches and methods, which can be learned only by carefully studying and evaluating treatment outcomes. The best data for outcomes come from randomized clinical trials (RCTs), but retrospective data can provide satisfactory evidence if the subjects were a well-defined patient group, all the patients were accounted for, and the percentages of patients with various possible outcomes are presented along with measures of the central tendency and variation. Meta-analysis of multiple RCTs done in a similar way and systematic reviews of the literature can strengthen clinically-useful evidence, but reviews that are too broadly based are more likely to blur than clarify the information clinicians need. Reviews that are tightly focused on seeking the answer to specific clinical questions and evaluating the quality of the evidence available to answer the question are much more likely to provide clinically useful data.
New Methods to Evaluate Craniofacial Deformity and to Plan Surgical Correction
Gateno J, Xia JJ and Teichgraeber JF
The success of cranio-maxillofacial (CMF) surgery depends not only on surgical techniques, but also upon an accurate surgical plan. Unfortunately, traditional planning methods are often inadequate for planning complex cranio-maxillofacial deformities. To this end, we developed 3D computer-aided surgical simulation (CASS) technique. Using our CASS method, we are able to treat patients with significant asymmetries in a single operation which in the past was usually completed in two stages. The purpose of this article is to introduce our CASS method in evaluating craniofacial deformities and planning surgical correction. In addition, we discuss the problems associated with the traditional surgical planning methods. Finally, we discuss the strength and pitfalls of using three-dimensional measurements to evaluate craniofacial deformity.
Protocols for Late Maxillary Protraction in Cleft Lip and Palate Patients at Childrens Hospital Los Angeles
Yen SL
This paper describes the protocols used at Childrens Hospital Los Angeles (CHLA) to protract the maxilla during early adolescence. It is a modification of techniques introduced by Eric Liou with his Alternate Rapid Maxillary Expansion and Constriction (ALT-RAMEC) technique. The main differences between the CHLA protocol and previous maxillary protraction protocols are the age the protraction is attempted, the sutural loosening by alternating weekly expansion with constriction and the use of Class III elastics to support and redirect the protraction by nightly facemask wear. The CHLA protocol entirely depends on patient compliance and must be carefully taught and monitored. In a cooperative patient, the technique can correct a Class III malocclusion that previously would have been treated with LeFort 1 maxillary advancement surgery. Thus, it is not appropriate for patients requiring 2 jaw surgeries to correct mandibular prognathism, occlusal cants or facial asymmetry. The maxillary protraction appears to work by a combination of skeletal advancement, dental compensation and rotation of the occlusal planes. Microscrew/microimplant/temporary anchorage devices have been used with these maxillary protraction protocols to assist in expanding the maxilla, increasing skeletal anchorage during protraction, limiting dental compensations and reducing skeletal relapse.
A Comparison of the Accuracy of Linear Measurements Obtained from Cone Beam Computerized Tomography Images and Digital Models
Creed B, Kau CH, English JD, Xia JJ and Lee RP
The purpose of this study was to determine whether cone beam digital models are as accurate as OrthoCAD (Cadent, Inc, Carlstadt, NJ) digital models for the purposes of orthodontic diagnosis and treatment planning. Digital records of 30 subjects were retrospectively reviewed, and the digital models were obtained as OrthoCAD and InVivoDental (San Jose, CA) digital models. Seven parameters indicating linear measurements from predetermined landmarks were measured and analyzed. The analysis of variance and Bland and Altman Analysis were used to compare and evaluate measurements made from the study models generated from cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) and InVivoDental software. The mean difference between the maxillary InVivoDental models and the maxillary OrthoCAD models ranged from -0.57 to 0.44 mm. The analysis of variance for repeated measures ( < 0.001) was applied to all data obtained from the CBCT and OrthoCAD models. The results indicated a mean score of 35.12 and 35.12 mm, respectively. The mean difference of all values was -7.93 × 10 mm. The range of these values at the 95% confidence interval was -0.14 and 0.12 mm for the lower and upper limits, respectively. The results were not statistically significant for both groups. The Bland and Altman analysis was also applied to the data. In the maxilla, the results indicated that the mean difference between InVivoDental and OrthoCAD was -0.01 ± 1.24 mm. The range of the analysis indicated a spread of -2.40 mm and +2.40 mm. In the mandible, the results indicated that the mean difference between InVivoDental and OrthoCAD was -0.01 ± 1.21 mm. The range of the analysis indicated a spread of -2.36 mm and +2.37 mm. The results showed that the linear measurements obtained from CBCT image casts indicated a good level of accuracy when compared with OrthoCAD models. The accuracy was considered adequate for initial diagnosis and treatment planning in orthodontics.
Clinical application of 3D imaging for assessment of treatment outcomes
Cevidanes LH, Oliveira AE, Grauer D, Styner M and Proffit WR
This paper outlines the clinical application of CBCT for assessment of treatment outcomes, and discusses current work to superimpose digital dental models and 3D photographs. Superimposition of CBCTs on stable structures of reference now allow assessment of 3D dental, skeletal and soft tissue changes for both growing and non-growing patients. Additionally, we describe clinical findings from CBCT superimpositions in assessment of surgery and skeletal anchorage treatment.
The etiology of eruption disorders - further evidence of a 'genetic paradigm'
Frazier-Bowers SA, Puranik CP and Mahaney MC
The clinical spectrum of tooth eruption disorders includes both syndromic and non-syndromic problems ranging from delayed eruption to a complete failure of eruption. A defect in the differential apposition/resorption mechanism in alveolar bone can cause conditions such as tooth ankylosis, primary failure of eruption, failure of eruption due to inadequate arch length and canine impaction. As our knowledge of the molecular events underlying normal tooth eruption has increased, so too has our understanding of clinical eruption disorders. The recent finding that one gene, parathyroid hormone receptor 1 (PTH1R), is causative for familial cases of primary failure of eruption (PFE) suggests that other disturbances in tooth eruption may have a genetic etiology. In this report, we evaluated the current terminology (ankylosis, PFE, secondary retention, etc.) used to describe non-syndromic eruption disorders, in light of this genetic discovery. We observed that some individuals previously diagnosed with ankylosis were subsequently found to have alterations in the PTH1R gene, indicating the initial misdiagnosis of ankylosis and the necessary re-classification of PFE. We further investigated the relationship of the PTH1R gene, using a network pathway analysis, to determine its connectivity to previously identified genes that are critical to normal tooth eruption. We found that PTH1R acts in a pathway with genes such as PTHrP that have been shown to be important in bone remodeling, hence eruption, in a rat model. Thus, recent advances in our understanding of normal and abnormal tooth eruption should allow us in the future to develop a clinical nomenclature system based more on the molecular genetic cause of the eruption failures versus the clinical appearance of the various eruption disorders.
Orthodontics at a Pivotal Point of Transformation
Mao JJ
The profession of orthodontics is projected to face a multitude of challenges. Do cyclic forces accelerate the rate of tooth movement and hence the speed of orthodontic treatment? Would bioengineered cementum and dentine be a solution to root resorption? What would orthodontics be like when bioengineered periodontal ligament and alveolar bone become clinical practice, or one day, entire teeth are bioengineered? Would it be possible to selectively differentiate stem cells into osteoblasts or osteoclasts by either static or cyclic forces? What is the new demand on orthodontic expertise with increasingly automated appliances? What will be the impact of the next generation of dental implants or rapid prototyped crowns on orthodontics? A century ago, Edward Angle's practice of fixed appliances, along with other seminal contributions, such as functional appliances, established the profession of orthodontics. Today, the biophysical principles of orthodontics remain largely unchanged from Angle's era, despite incremental refinements of brackets and wires. The paucity of fundamental innovations in orthodontics for decades presents intrinsic risks for the profession. This review will identify challenges for contemporary orthodontics and delineate strategies for the profession to evolve in an era of unprecedented scientific and technological advances, and serve as a call to action for the orthodontic profession.
Orthodontic Treatment, Genetic Factors and Risk of Temporomandibular Disorder
Slade GD, Diatchenko L, Ohrbach R and Maixner W
Traditionally, four groups of factors have been identified in the etiology of temporomandibular disorder (TMD): anatomical variation in the masticatory system; psychosocial characteristics; pain in other body regions; and demographics. Orthodontic treatment has been variously cited both as a protective and harmful factor in TMD etiology. Recently, a search has begun for a genetic influence on TMD etiology. Genetic markers can be of additional value in identifying gene-environment interactions, that is, isolating population sub-groups, defined by genotype in which environmental influences play a relatively greater or lesser etiological role. This paper reviews concepts and study design requirements for epidemiological investigations into TMD etiology. Findings are presented from a prospective cohort study of 186 females that illustrate an example of gene-environment interaction in TMD onset. Among people with a variant of the gene encoding catechol-O-methyl-transferase, an enzyme associated with pain responsiveness, risk of developing TMD was significantly greater for subjects who reported a history of orthodontic treatment compared with subjects who did not (P=0.04). While further studies are needed to investigate TMD etiology, this genetic variant potentially could help to identify patients whose risk of developing TMD is heightened following orthodontic treatment, hence serving as a risk marker useful in planning orthodontic care.
Genetic Factors and Orofacial Clefting
Lidral AC, Moreno LM and Bullard SA
Cleft lip with or without cleft palate is the most common facial birth defect and it is caused by a complex interaction between genetic and environmental factors. The purpose of this review is to provide an overview of the spectrum of the genetic causes for cleft lip and cleft palate using both syndromic and nonsyndromic forms of clefting as examples. Although the gene identification process for orofacial clefting in humans is in the early stages, the pace is rapidly accelerating. Recently, several genes have been identified that have a combined role in up to 20% of all clefts. While this is a significant step forward, it is apparent that additional cleft causing genes have yet to be identified. Ongoing human genome-wide linkage studies have identified regions in the genome that likely contain genes that when mutated cause orofacial clefting, including a major gene on chromosome 9 that is positive in multiple racial groups. Currently, efforts are focused to identify which genes are mutated in these regions. In addition, parallel studies are also evaluating genes involved in environmental pathways. Furthermore, statistical geneticists are developing new methods to characterize both gene-gene and gene-environment interactions to build better models for pathogenesis of this common birth defect. The ultimate goal of these studies is to provide knowledge for more accurate risk counseling and the development of preventive therapies.
Methodologies for evaluating long-term stability of dental relationships after orthodontic treatment
BeGole EA and Sadowsky C
A comprehensive review of literature which considers methodologies for studying long-term occlusal stability is presented. This article focuses on the evaluation of plaster study models because occlusal changes are best reflected in longitudinal casts. Of particular interest is the assessment of crowding in the dentition and the various physical and mathematical procedures used to evaluate the measurement of space available. Indices used to assess the overall occlusal results of treatment are also presented.
A review of changes in lower arch alignment from seven to fifty years
Richardson ME
Changes in alignment in the untreated lower arch were studied at various developmental stages: 7 to 10 years, 10 to 12 years, 12 to 15 years, 13 to 18 years, 18 to 21 years, 21 to 28 years, and 18 to 50 years. On average, crowding decreased between 7 and 12 years and increased thereafter. The maximum increase occurred in the teenage years between 13 and 18, little or no change occurred in the third decade, and small increases occurred later in life. The possible cause of these changes is discussed in relation to the deterioration in alignment reported in orthodontically treated patients after retention.
A longitudinal evaluation of extraction versus nonextraction treatment with special reference to the posttreatment irregularity of the lower incisors
Rossouw PE, Preston CB and Lombard C
A tendency exists in contemporary orthodontics to pursue a completely non-extraction philosophy. Moreover, it has been shown that the extraction versus non-extraction debate is still with us. Controversy exists as to which treatment decision will eventually lead to orthodontic stability. It is thus imperative to conduct investigations on long-term changes of the dentition in both treatment regimens. The present study serves as an example of such a longitudinal study. A random sample, inclusive of both extraction and non-extraction treatments, was examined with respect to long-term stability and an assessment was made as to whether one treatment option favors success over the other. It was concluded that the correct initial treatment choice will not only lead to correction of the malocclusion, but will also ensure clinically acceptable stability with no significant differences between extraction and non-extraction treatments.
Transverse dimension and long-term stability
Vanarsdall RL
This article emphasizes the critical importance of the skeletal differential between the width of the maxilla and the width of the mandible. Undiagnosed transverse discrepancy leads to adverse periodontal response, unstable dental camouflage, and less than optimal dentofacial esthetics. Hundreds of adult retreatment patients corrected for significant maxillary transverse deficiency using surgically assisted maxillary expansion (similar to osseous distraction) has produced excellent stability. Eliciting tooth movement for children (orthopedics, lip bumper, Cetlin plate) in all three planes of space by muscles, eruption, and growth, develops the broader arch form (without the mechanical forces of fixed or removable appliances) and has also demonstrated impressive long term stability.
Postretention mandibular incisor stability after premolar serial extractions
Woodside DG, Rossouw PE and Shearer D
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the mandibular incisor alignment in serial extraction cases, using the longitudinal dental cast records of the Burlington Growth Center as a control sample. Various parameters were investigated and the statistical differences determined between the treated and untreated groups. The results were also compared with data from serial extraction groups that subsequently had orthodontic treatment. Untreated subjects and subjects treated only with serial extractions showed similar longitudinal changes. However, the extraction group that also received orthodontic treatment appeared to show more lower incisor crowding long-term. No predictors for stability of clinical significance could be determined. Mechanotherapy influences the craniofacial and dentoalveolar dimensions, which appear to cause more long-term lower incisor crowding.
Stability and relapse of mandibular anterior alignment: University of Washington studies
Little RM
For more than 40 years, research in the Department of Orthodontics, University of Washington (Seattle, WA) has focused on a growing collection of more than 800 sets of patient records to assess stability and relapse of orthodontic treatment. All patients had completed treatment a decade or more before the last set of data. Evaluation of treated premolar extraction patients, treated lower incisor extraction patients, treated non-extraction cases with generalized spacing, patients treated with arch enlargement strategies, and untreated normals showed similar physiologic changes: (1) Arch length decreases after orthodontic treatment. (2) Arch width measured across the mandibular canine teeth typically reduces posttreatment, whether or not the case was expanded during treatment. (3) Mandibular anterior crowding during the posttreatment phase is a continuing phenomenon well into the 20-to-40 years age bracket and likely beyond. (4) Third molar absence or presence, impacted or fully erupted, seems to have little effect on the occurrence or degree of relapse. (5) The degree of post-retention anterior crowding is both unpredictable and variable and no pretreatment variables either from clinical findings, casts, or cephalometric radiographs before or after treatment seem to be useful predictors.
Stability of orthodontic treatment: myth or reality--a peek at the future
Yen E