Activity Engagement: Perspectives from Nursing Home Residents with Dementia
Engagement in social and leisure activities is an indicator of quality of life and well-being in nursing homes. There are few studies in which nursing home residents with dementia self-reported their experiences in activity engagement. This qualitative study describes types of current activity involvement and barriers to activities as perceived by nursing home residents with dementia. Thirty-one residents participated in short, open-ended interviews and six in in-depth interviews. Thematic content analysis showed that participants primarily depended on activities organized by their nursing homes. Few participants engaged in self-directed activities such as walking, visiting other residents and family members, and attending in church services. Many residents felt they had limited opportunities and motivation for activities. They missed past hobbies greatly but could not continue them due to lack of accommodation and limitation in physical function. Environmental factors, along with fixed activity schedule, further prevented them from engaging in activities. Residents with dementia should be invited to participate in activity planning and have necessary assistance and accommodation in order to engage in activities that matter to them. Based on the findings, a checklist for individualizing and evaluating activities for persons with dementia is detailed.
Age Differences in Adaptive Decision Making: The Role of Numeracy
The primary purposes of the present study were to examine age differences in adaptive decision making and to evaluate the role of numeracy in mediating the relationship between age and adaptive decision making. Adaptive decision making was assessed by the Cups task (Levin, Weller, Pederson, & Harshman, 2007). Forty-six younger (18 to 24 years old) and 37 older adults (61 to 89 years old) completed the Cups task. In addition, the Numeracy Scale (Lipkus, Samsa, & Rimer, 2001) was used to measure individual numeric ability. Adaptive decision making was operationalized by the Expected Value sensitivity (i.e., the product of probability and outcome magnitudes) across the gain and the loss domains. Older adults had significantly lower Expected Value sensitivity than young adults. In addition, older adults demonstrated significantly lower numeracy than younger adults. Finally, numeracy partially mediated the relationship between age and adaptive decision making. It is suggested that older adults' declined decision making may be partially due to their declined numeric abilities. Implications were discussed in numeracy education and public policies concerning older adults.
A National Training Program in Aging Research for Social Work Faculty
Medication Adherence in Older Adults: A Qualitative Study
To effectively address medication adherence and improve cardiovascular health among older adults, a deeper understanding is needed of the barriers that this age group faces and approaches that would be most effective and feasible for improving adherence. We conducted a focus group study (n=25) in a diverse population of older adults with hypertension recruited from the Cohort Study of Medication Adherence in Older Adults (CoSMO). A structured guide was used to collect feedback on barriers to adherence and acceptability and feasibility of intervention strategies. The final coding framework outlines factors at the individual, relationship, health care system, and environmental or policy level which affect adherence in older adults, including memory, knowledge, attitudes and beliefs, side effects, social support, interaction with health care providers, and cost and convenience of medication filling. Patient responses highlighted the varied nature of barriers and the need for interventions which are both multi-faceted and tailored.
Attitudes Towards and Limitations to ICT Use in Assisted and Independent Living Communities: Findings from a Specially-Designed Technological Intervention
While much literature has been devoted to theoretical explanations of the learning processes of older adults and to the methods of teaching best utilized in older populations, less has focused on the education of older adults who reside in assisted and independent living communities (AICs), especially with regards to information and communication technology (ICT) education. The purpose of this study is to determine whether participants' attitudes and views towards computers and the Internet are affected as a result of participating in an eight-week training program designed to enhance computer and Internet use among older adults in such communities. Specifically, we examine if ICT education specially designed for AIC residents results in more positive attitudes towards ICTs and a perceived decrease in factors that may limit or prevent computer and Internet use. We discuss the implications of these results for enhancing the quality of life for older adults in AICs and make recommendations for those seeking to decrease digital inequality among older adults in these communities through their own ICT classes.
Community-dwelling Adults Versus Older Adults: Psychopathology and the Continuum Hypothesis
Little empirical evidence is available on older adults regarding the existence of a continuum between "normal" personality traits and DSM-IV-TR Axes I and II disorders (American Psychiatric Association, 2000). Given the typical complexity of clinical presentations in advanced age, it is feasible to expect a dimensional conceptualization of psychopathology to apply to older adults. In this pilot investigation, we first tested age differences in psychopathology, upholding the view that older adults should be considered separately from younger individuals in research on psychopathology. Then, in support of the dimensional approach, we tested the hypothesized continuity between normality and psychopathology by verifying the fulfillment of two operational criteria of continuity. A non-clinical sample of 100 Italian respondents was divided into two groups (50 people per group, 25 women and 25 men), aged 25-64 and 65-84, respectively. The instruments used were a measure of normal personality, SFERAS (Boncori & Barruffi, 2004) and one of Axes I and II psychopathology, TALEIA-400A (Boncori, 2007). MANOVA analyses demonstrated a significant effect on both measures, with older adults achieving higher Axis I scores and higher scores on normal personality traits connected to anxiety. The continuum hypothesis was confirmed on older and younger adults through correlational analyses that verified the fulfillment of both continuity criteria. Our results show that Italian older adults differ significantly in psychopathology from younger individuals; however, contrary to findings from other countries, in a negative direction. The continuity results (although in need of replication with larger samples, utilizing statistical methods better suited for these analyses, such as taxometric procedures) offer preliminary support for the notion that the dimensional approach to psychopathology could work well in older age.
Understanding and Changing Older Adults' Perceptions and Learning of Social Media
An exploratory study was conducted to answer the following questions: What are older adults' perceptions of social media? What educational strategies can facilitate their learning of social media? A thematic map was developed to illustrate changing perceptions from the initial unanimous, strong negative to the more positive but cautious and to the eventual willingness to actually contribute content. Privacy was the primary concern and key perceptual barrier to adoption. Effective educational strategies were developed to overcome privacy concerns, including: 1) introducing the concepts before introducing the functions; 2) responding to privacy concerns; and 3) making social media personally relevant.
Age-Related Effects of Study Time Allocation on Memory Performance in a Verbal and a Spatial Task
Past studies have suggested that study time allocation partially mediates age relations on memory performance in a verbal task. To identify whether this applied to a different material modality, participants ages 20-87 completed a spatial task in addition to a traditional verbal task. In both the verbal and the spatial task, increased age was associated with poorer utilization of study time, suggesting that age differences in study time allocation are qualitatively similar across material modality. Furthermore, age differences in how individuals allocated their study time partially mediated the age relations on memory performance in both tasks, indicating the importance of effective regulation of study time when learning information. Finally, age differences in study time allocation did not appear to be due to differences in awareness of performance. When a subset of participants was asked about their prior performance, awareness of previous performance was not associated with study time allocation on either task. Interestingly, asking participants about their prior performance tended to decrease recall performance. Overall, these results illustrate that how one allocates study time is related to subsequent memory performance in both a verbal and spatial modality, but knowledge about prior performance is not associated with study time utilization, and inquiring about past performance during study may disrupt rather than facilitate learning.
Primary health care providers' knowledge gaps on Parkinson's disease
In order to determine primary health care providers' (PCPs) knowledge gaps on Parkinson's disease, data was collected before and after a one-hour continuing medical education (CME) lecture on early Parkinson's disease recognition and treatment in a sample of 104 PCPs participating at an annual meeting. The main outcome measure was the proportion of questions answered correctly by each PCP before the lecture. We measured the change in proportion of correct answers before and after the lecture (delta). Ninety-nine percent of the PCPs who attended the lecture returned the questionnaire. The level of knowledge on Parkinson's disease before the lecture was relatively low, particularly in management (61.4%) and diagnosis (34.4%). PCPs' perceived knowledge was not associated with the number of correct responses on management at baseline. Test scores significantly improved after the CME lecture. Our results show that PCPs' baseline knowledge of diagnosis and management of Parkinson's disease and self-perceived knowledge on this topic are relatively limited. Appropriately, US reaccreditation programs do not only rely on self-perception. Longitudinal studies are needed to determine the impact of CME in knowledge retention and patient care in Parkinson's disease.
Let us progress! Implementing professionally led arts-based programming in senior centers
The arts offer a cost effective and appealing approach to healthy aging. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the development and implementation of three creative aging pilot programs led by professional teaching artists in multipurpose senior centers. The process of recruitment focused on professional teaching artists, senior center directors, and program participants. Data collection documented attendance, field note observations, participant demographics, self-reported health, and satisfaction. Open-ended interviews detailed individual experience, learning opportunities, dislikes, and both program and instructor feedback. Analysis involved descriptive statistics and apriori pattern coding. Outcomes are reported specific to each program developed, including: 1) readers theatre, 2) choir, and an 3) Improvisation/Movement class. A total of 35 older adults participated in all three programs. The choir had the highest average of regular attendance, while the improvisation/movement class struggled with recruitment. Overall satisfaction was high across all programs, with participants expressing enjoyment with courses that offer a challenge and desired that courses continue. This study emphasizes the importance in collaborating with centers to develop high quality programming and recommends strategies to facilitate program sustainability. Future program development and instruction may be improved through application of lessons learned.
Mentoring Junior Faculty in Geropsychology: the RESPECT model
Mentoring junior faculty in geropsychology is becoming more critical due to the paucity of geropsychologists and the financial and talent costs experienced by universities of faculty turnover. This paper presents the unique aspects of mentoring junior faculty as opposed to mentoring of graduate students or interns, and examines some of the author's personal core values in mentoring that have been applied to over 50 junior faculty members. The author presents the RESPECT model as away to view the important and varied tasks involved in successful mentoring of junior geropsychology faculty. The model identifies the mentee as the leader in the mentee-mentor faculty relationship and examines the types of empowerment, support, protection and planning that goes into mentoring. The model, in addition, discusses the personal and emotional relationship the mentee-mentor has and the role of mentor in handling disappointment and assisting the mentee in negotiating conflict.
Increased Fruit and Vegetable Intake among Older Adults Participating in Kentucky's Congregate Meal Site Program
The purpose of this study was to determine if the amount and variety of fruits and vegetables consumed increased among community-dwelling older adults participating in Kentucky's congregate meal site program following a series of five nutrition education lessons. A convenience sample of older adults attending senior centers (n=35), two intervention (n=19) and two control (n=16) centers, participated in this quasi-experimental pilot study. Following the intervention there was a significant increase in actual fruit and vegetable intake in the intervention group (p<0.05) as assessed by plate waste measurements of the congregate lunch meal. In addition, from pre- to post-intervention, a trend towards increased self-reported intake in the variety of fruit and vegetables was observed among the intervention group. As well, a significant increase in the number of days intervention participants self-reported consuming at least 4.5 cups of fruits and vegetables in the last seven days (2.44±2.09 days to 4.28±1.99 days (p=0.004)) was observed; and knowledge pertaining to phytochemicals increased (p<0.05). The phytochemical index (PI) score of the lunch meal, taking into account that the older adults consumption of meal components, including phytochemical-rich foods, was 26.9. Overall, study results indicated that a short theory-based nutrition education program offered to community-dwelling older adults was linked to an increase in fruit and vegetable consumption and phytochemical knowledge.
Getting Grandma Online: Are Tablets the Answer for Increasing Digital Inclusion for Older Adults in the U.S.?
Using information and communication technologies (ICTs) can improve older adults' quality of life. ICT use is associated with decreased feelings of loneliness and depression, along with increased feelings of independence and personal growth. However, limited access and low technological self-efficacy are key reasons why some groups, especially older adults, are excluded from being fully engaged in the digital world. In this study, we focus on older adults' technological self-efficacy, which is related to their actual use of technology and the second level digital divide. Specifically, we examine: 1) how older adults decide to use a new technology, tablet computers; 2) how they conquer the barrier of technological self-efficacy through using tablets; and 3) the impacts of using this new technology in their lives. Twenty-one in-depth interviews were conducted with older adults residing in independent living communities in a medium-sized city in the Deep South region of the United States. Observational and enactive learning played important roles for older adults in using tablets. Seeing others use tablets, getting recommendations from family members, or having tablets given to them were the primary reasons they started to use tablet computers. The ease of use feature of tablets helped solve the problem of lacking technological self-efficacy. Using tablets helped increase a sense of connectedness. Tablet computers may be one way to increase digital inclusion among older adults.
The DREAMS Team: Creating community partnerships through research advocacy training for diverse older adults
The DREAMS Team research advocacy training program helps clinical faculty and health students introduce basic clinical research concepts to diverse older adults to galvanize their active involvement in the research process. Older adults are frequently underrepresented in clinical research, due to barriers to participation including distrust, historical mistreatment, and their lack of health literacy. The DREAMS Team program aims to involve diverse older adults throughout all phases of research and increase research participation, thereby contributing to the growth of quality patient-centered, evidence-based health care. This course was developed for clinical faculty to deliver to diverse adults aged 55+ in eight 50-minute lectures, followed by half-hour small group discussions moderated by health students. A pilot cohort of 24 individuals was assessed for satisfaction post-program, and self-efficacy before and after the program. Older adult participants improved on a survey measure of self-efficacy, and indicated satisfaction on a post-program questionnaire. All agreed or strongly agreed that they enjoyed participating, and that classes enhanced knowledge/skills about the topics, were high quality, and provided useful information. Twenty-two out of 24 individuals who completed the program indicated they planned to get involved as research advocates. The DREAMS Team program can be offered either on its own, or as a follow-up program to a general health education course led by health students and/or professional researchers or clinicians. Educating older adults about the research process and advocacy through interactive seminars led by congenial and respectful researchers and health students may remove some barriers to research participation and involvement among diverse older adults.
Improving Expectations Regarding Aging in Younger Adults: A Classroom Study
Younger adults generally hold negative attitudes and stereotypes about aging, which can affect the success with which they age as well as how they interact with older generations in everyday settings. The current study sought to improve expectations about aging in a largely first-year undergraduate student population through a small, discussion-based course on successful aging. Students in the successful aging course and a control course completed the 12-item expectations regarding aging (ERA) scale at the beginning and the end of the 10-week academic quarter. Students in the aging class also provided adjectives that came to mind when thinking about older adults. Students in the successful aging course had higher ERA scores at the end of the quarter than at the beginning of the quarter, but scores in the control class did not change. Further analyses indicated students' expectations about cognitive functioning and physical health improved, but not expectations about mental health. In addition, self-generated adjectives were more positive at the end than the beginning of the quarter, but some negative adjectives persisted. Thus, a smaller, discussion-based class about aging led to a more positive view of aging, suggesting that negative attitudes about aging may be modifiable by a short intervention in early adulthood. These results can have implications for how younger adults interact with older adults and how they may prepare for, hold future expectations about, and ultimately experience older age.
Correlates of Dementia-related Anxiety: Self-Perceived Dementia Risk and Ageism
As public awareness of and exposure to Alzheimer's disease and related dementias (ADRD) have increased worldwide, the fear of developing ADRD, or dementia-related anxiety (DRA), is expected to increase as well. It was hypothesized that at least part of what makes dementia so anxiety provoking, is the association of ADRD with older adults, an often stigmatized group. To test this hypothesis, two online studies examined how ageist beliefs contribute to DRA; the roles of ADRD-related factors, such as self-perceived risk and personal exposure, were also examined. Study 1 included university students ( = 295, age range: 18 to 58 years, = 21.16, = 4.85) to determine what factors may contribute to young adults' DRA. Study 2 included adults of all ages ( = 352, age range: 18 to 81 years, = 37.85, = 12.88) to determine whether Study 1 results were replicable among adults of all ages. Hierarchical multiple regressions were used. Results from both studies demonstrated that being female and having higher self-perceived ADRD risk and benevolent ageism uniquely explicated higher levels of DRA. Within Study 2, significant effects of both benevolent and hostile ageism were observed, suggesting that diverse negative attitudes toward older adults are associated with DRA. It is possible that strong ageist attitudes stigmatize older adults as those who are forgetful and this may contribute to DRA, as age is a major risk factor for developing dementia. Study limitations and directions for future research are discussed.
"Aging is beautiful and graceful:" Exploring college students' perceptions of aging, older adults, and future older selves
Perception of one's own age and the aging process can influence healthy aging and encourage younger adults to be more proactive in taking care of themselves. There is a shortage of literature on college students' self-perceptions of aging and old age. This descriptive qualitative study explored how short-term aging research training and activities influenced college students' perceptions of aging, older adults, and their future older selves. Students were exposed to discussions about aging, the aging process, myths, a brief TED talk, and a video on positive age stereotypes in preparation for their encounter with older adults in a more extensive photovoice aging research project. Data for the study were collected using weekly guided reflections and drawing. Findings show that college students improved perceptions of aging and older adults after the short-term research training. We found cultural differences in self-perception of the onset of old age. Students perceived healthy aging in terms of biological, psychological, spiritual, and social dimensions of health. Students presented a hopeful, positive picture of their future older self as opposed to the negative stereotypic views they initially had of older adults. Reflections on one's own aging may be crucial in encouraging younger adults to be more proactive in taking care of themselves for a healthier life in later adulthood.
Age Differences in Goal Concordance, Time Use, and Well-Being
The primary purpose of the present study was to investigate age differences in goal concordance, time use, and Well-Being. Past research has found that despite age-related decline in life circumstances (e.g., health), the Well-Being of older adults is as high as young adults. The present study used a novel approach to explore the Paradox of Well-Being. One hundred and seventy-seven adults participated in the study. They first generated their three most important personal strivings and rated levels of goal concordance for external, introjected, identified, and intrinsic reasons. Then, they reported their actual and ideal time use in 10 categories of activities in the past 24 hours. Finally, Well-Being was assessed by the Flourishing Scale and the Scale of Positive and Negative Experience (Diener, Wirtz, et al., 2010). Older adults did not differ from young adults in overall Well-Being. However, they held higher levels of goal concordance and were more likely to spend time in spirituality and religion-related activities than young adults. The relationships between goal concordance, time use, and Well-Being were examined separately for young and older adults. Implications were discussed to improve Well-Being for young and older adults.
Does self-directed learning address gaps in nursing student knowledge of Alzheimer's disease?
In the past two decades, deaths from stroke, heart disease and HIV decreased, whereas reported deaths from age-related Alzheimer's disease (AD) have increased. Future nurses will be caring for the rapidly escalating number of older adults facing increased AD risk, yet nursing students' knowledge has been shown to be limited regarding the age-related disease of Alzheimer's (and the most common dementia type) (Aljezawi et al., 2022; Mattos et al., 2015). In this pilot study, a quasi-experimental approach was used to examine undergraduate baccalaureate nursing students' basic knowledge about AD among two cohorts ( = 146). Testing occurred following an assigned self-directed learning activity as a means of providing the most current information regarding dementia. Pearson correlation and t-tests were applied in comparing student results in pre- and posttest surveys and investigating possible correlations between sociodemographic variables. Students in the 2020 group scored lower on ten of the thirty test items than the earlier 2018 cohort, suggesting that the method of self-directed learning, despite offering the most recent information, may be inadequate. To prepare nursing students to care for the increasing numbers of older adults at risk for Alzheimer's disease, curricula that are inclusive of the most recent advances in science surrounding dementia-related illnesses, and supplemented by faculty lectures, is recommended. This requires faculty themselves to be knowledgeable of the most recent advances in dementia risk, prevention, detection and management.
Geropsychology Mentoring: A Survey of Current Practices and Perceived Needs
The need for clinical geropsychologists currently exceeds the availability, and this imbalance is expected to worsen along with the impending growth in the older adult population. Effective geropsychology mentoring may be helpful in meeting this challenge. However, little is known about mentoring within clinical geropsychology. The present paper reports on a survey of mentoring practices and needs. Findings indicate that a large majority of clinical geropsychology trainees and professionals at all levels have a mentor and that the contributions mentors make are highly valued. Among the needs identified by survey respondents was guidance for effective mentoring. Results of the survey suggest that efforts to enhance mentoring within clinical geropsychology may contribute to the goal of expanding the workforce to meet future needs.
Identifying barriers and facilitators for using a smartwatch to monitor health among older adults
Smartwatches are a type of wearable device that enable continuous monitoring of an individual's activities and critical health metrics. As the number of older adults age 65+ continues to grow in the U.S., so does their usage of smartwatches, making it necessary to understand the real-world uptake and use of these devices to monitor health. In this study, older adults with a relatively high level of education and digital skills were provided with a smartwatch equipped with a mobile application (ROAMM) that was worn for a median of 14 days. Usability surveys were distributed, and a qualitative analysis was performed about participants' experience using the smartwatch and ROAMM application. Constructs from the Technology Acceptance Model and Consolidated Framework for Implementation Research were incorporated into in-depth interviews, which were recorded and transcribed. Data were analyzed using the constant comparative method. Interviews among 30 older adults revealed the following main themes: 1) familiarization with the device and adoption and acceptance, 2) factors encouraging usage, such as a doctor's endorsement or the appeal of tracking one's health, and 3) barriers to usage, such as insufficient education and training and the desire for additional functionality. Overall, participants found the smartwatch easy to use and were likely to continue using the device in a long-term study. Data generated from smartwatches have the potential to engage individuals about their health and could inspire them to participate more actively during clinical encounters.