Evolutionary stasis: creationism, evolution and climate change in the Accelerated Christian Education curriculum
There has been little consideration in the science education literature of schools or curricula that advocate creationism. Accelerated Christian Education (ACE) is among the world's largest providers of creationist science materials with a curriculum divided into a system of workbooks which students complete at their own speed. This article examines the ways in which ACE presents particular areas of science that it considers to be contentious, namely evolution and climate change. The ACE curriculum has recently been rewritten, and we show that, like previous editions, the current curriculum relies on rote memorisation to the exclusion of other styles of learning, and that information presented is often misleading or distorted. Religious explanations of natural phenomena are sometimes given in place of scientific ones, and creationist assumptions are inserted into lessons not directly related to evolution or the Big Bang. Those who reject creationism are depicted as making an immoral choice. ACE's recent curricula also add material denying the role of humans in climate change. It is argued that both the teaching methods and content of the ACE curriculum place students at an educational disadvantage.
The emergence of remote laboratory courses in an emergency situation: University instructors' agency during the COVID-19 pandemic
This study examines and describes how various online remote laboratory courses, necessitated by the COVID-19 pandemic, were implemented at Hankuk University in Korea in 2020. We compared four general undergraduate laboratory courses, one each for physics, chemistry, biology, and earth science, and two major-level laboratory courses taught during the spring and fall of 2020. Employing a sociocultural perspective, we examined how the changes in structures at the macro-, meso-, and micro-levels shaped the responses of educational authorities and impacted the agency of university instructors. Instructors implemented various remote laboratory courses in each content area dependent upon availability and access to material resources, including access to video of laboratory activities, and also based on the nature of experimental data associated with each content area. Drawing from survey responses and in-depth interviews with instructors and students, we share findings about how instructor practices impacted the interactions of students, the processes for evaluation, and student learning. We discuss how the global pandemic has re-ignited the debate about the role and value of experimental laboratory activities for undergraduate science majors and about the significance of hands-on versus minds-on science learning. Implications for how universities approach laboratory coursework in the post-COVID-19 are discussed, and questions for university science instruction are raised for future research.
Navigating into the future of science museum education: focus on educators' adaptation during COVID-19
Repeated closures of the world's science museums to stem the spread of COVID-19 have significantly reduced visitors' access to informal science learning opportunities. Interviews with educators and an analysis of the online content of a science museum were used in this case study to examine the impact of this phenomenon on informal science education. We present several education examples to highlight how educators have attempted to adapt. Specifically, we describe and characterize educators' strategies-, , and -to address difficulties involved in developing virtually accessible content that will engage users. In addition, we analyze essential attributes of informal learning in the science museum attributes of , , , and that the educators kept in mind while planning and redesigning educational programs and cultural events in response to COVID-19. We conclude by forecasting the future of science museums based on the educators' perceptions of their roles and the nature of informal science learning, assuming that educators are the crucial agents to build a new future direction.
A framework for meta-learning in science education for a time of crisis and beyond
Science education has an important role in educating the public on learning strategies that will generate a scientific literate population. The challenges encountered in this time of crisis calls for individuals to make well-informed decisions, based on reliable information. Understanding scientific basic concepts can inform the population on making informed decisions that will protect and prosper their communities. This study applied a grounded theory approach to propose a framework for meta-learning as a strategy that enhances science understanding and cultivates trust toward science. Meta-learning in science education is contextualized during a time of crisis and four stages are suggested for the meta-learning process. In the first stage, the learner becomes aware of a situation and activates prior knowledge. In the second stage, the learner searches and evaluates reliable information. In the third stage, the learner adjusts their behavior based on the new knowledge. Finally, in the fourth stage, the learner embraces learning as an everlasting process and re-adjusts behavior accordingly. Through meta-learning practices in science education, learners can claim agency of their learning processes and embrace a lifelong learning endeavor that will benefit themselves and those around them.
Turkish middle school students' evaluation of fallacious claims about vaccination
In today's world, there is too much information pollution and people circulate it without questioning, and the claims on controversial issues often contain fallacies and conspiracy theories. Considering this point of view, it is necessary to create citizens who critically evaluate information. In order to achieve this goal, science educators need to address students' evaluation of fallacies on controversial issues. The aim of the present study, thus, is to explore eighth graders' evaluation of fallacies about vaccination. We used case study in the study in which 29 eighth grade students participated. We adapted a rubric that was developed by Lombardi et al. (Int J Sci Educ 38(8):1393-1414, 2016. https://doi.org/10.1080/09500693.2016.1193912) to assess students' evaluation levels between claims and evidence and used it to analyze students' evaluations of each fallacy in groups and individually. The findings of this study indicate that students were mostly unable to evaluate claims and evidence critically. We advocate that attempts should be made so that students cope with misinformation and disinformation, ensuring that they establish a consistent relationship between claim and the evidence, and the social and cultural factors that affect their evaluation of false claims should be identified. The implications of this study suggest to make deliberate attempts in order to enable middle school students to evaluate claims and evidence critically in various science topics, particularly in health issues, due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Implications of the present research include suggestion of a method including discussions of fallacies about controversial issues and utilizing additional data sources such as interviews to reveal student ideas in-depth and analyze students' decision-making skills.
A whale of a time: engaging in a war of values for youth activism in science education
Exposure and experience with ethical dilemmas and controversial socioscientific issues provide a link to students' lives or a pathway for sympathy/empathy and care, where youth use emotion to engage with the scenario and develop critical thinking skills to respond to ethical issues. For this theoretical paper, I focus on how informal science can be used in science classes to provide such exposure and experience, creating spaces for students to foster erotic relationships with the nature-Other and their local environment. More specifically, this paper aims to discuss how educators can use these informal science experiences, and in this case-those involving marine mammals, to find value for natural phenomena through erotic generosity and phenomenological experiences within the environment and use their knowledge and power to act responsibly.
Equity in teaching science during times of crisis: a study with Portuguese science teachers
This work aims to examine how science teachers ensured equity during the COVID-19 pandemic. The participants are six science teachers who were teaching in different middle schools within the Lisbon district. Their classes were heterogeneous, with students from different socio-economic backgrounds and ethnicities, and with diverse levels of motivation to learn science and in their academic performance in science. Data were collected through written reflections and interviews. In a crisis context such as COVID-19, which affected schools worldwide, the study contributes to deepening our knowledge about equity during crisis, presenting several measures taken by teachers to deal with the pandemic. Teachers gave instructions to their students to attend classes through public television, which was accessible to the entire population, and developed complementary materials on it. Also, they created moments of individualized support to face situations of inequity, using distance learning platforms or other means of communication. Teachers built and implemented activities that value hands-on and problem solving, enabling their students to achieve academic success. We believe this paper allows the science education community to reflect on possibilities to ensure equity in the context of unpredictable crises.
Sociopolitical solidarity in STEM education: youth-centered relationships that resist learning as just achievement data
In this paper, we-a participatory action group-use the tenants of critical pedagogy to articulate how youths developed relationships for and with STEM disciplinary practices through participation in spaces outside of the official scripts of their high school STEM classrooms in the United States. Spaces included their robotics team, a hybrid digital collaborative space, and in an extra project with a teacher. Each of these cases surfaces youth's ongoing orientation to the fact that STEM learning is relational, and political, exemplifying pockets of resistance against the structures of schooling that foreground learning as an act of individuals. These pockets of resistance take a certain sociopolitical solidarity between learners and educators that centers STEM education which has the possibility to remake power structures to center relations with worlds, human and non-human, and the futures they help learners imagine.
Freire's hope in radically changing times: a dialogue for curriculum integration from science education to face the climate crisis
This article advances a dialogue for understanding curriculum integration as a form of radical pedagogy, starting from science education in times of climate crisis. The paper weaves Paulo Freire's work about a radical form of emancipatory pedagogy, bell hooks's proposal to transgress boundaries in teaching, and the landscape of identities for science persons in order to embrace a radical pedagogy for facing the climate crisis: an anti-oppressive curriculum integration practice. The issue of climate change education is discussed in its challenges as we present some findings about the role of policy in incorporating climate change in education in Chile and the experience of a teacher, Nataly, coauthor in this work, integrating curriculum as an action-research project. We propose that an anti-oppressive curriculum integration emerges from converging two approaches: curriculum design intended for sustaining democratic societies and thematic investigations proposed for liberatory practices of the oppressed.
Exclosure (or what we risk losing)
This is a story of becoming. In this creative non-fiction essay, I share a case study of an informal science program for high school aged youth that took place over 5-weeks one summer in an urban park in Pittsburgh, PA, USA. I conducted observations, interviews, and artifact analysis to explore how youth environmental interest and identity developed through relational processes between human and more-than-human beings. As a participant-observer, I tried to focus my attention on learning about learning. But I kept getting pulled from my research to something bigger, something messier. In my essay, I reflect on what it meant for our small group to become naturalists together, juxtaposing the diversity of our human cultures/histories/languages/selves with the diversity of the park, from the soil to the tree canopy. I then draw intimate connections between the twin losses of biological and cultural diversity. By using narrative storytelling, I invite the reader to come on a journey with me through the story of my own ideas, the ideas of the youth and educators I worked with, and the story of the land itself.
"The freshness of irreverence": learning from ACT UP toward sociopolitical action in science education
This article explores ACT UP (AIDS Coalition to Unleash Power) through a Freirean lens of critical consciousness, dialogue, and transformation. The purpose is to draw from where there have been processes of engagement of sociopolitical action in science and how these spaces can become meaningful entry points to take toward making a "sociopolitical turn" in science education, as well as in science more broadly. Current practices in science education do not adequately prepare educators and students to challenge and interrupt injustices that we are emersed in. ACT UP is a well-studied example of when non-specialists engaged with science and scientific knowledge making to shift power and policy. Paulo Freire's pedagogy was developed alongside social movements. By examining ACT UP through a Freirean lens, I explore themes of relationality, social epistemology, consensus, and dissensus that emerged when a social movement engaged with science to achieve its goal. My intent is to add to the ongoing dialogues of approaching science education as a practice of critical consciousness and liberatory world making.
The pernicious whiteness of coloniality in elementary science classrooms: the multigenerationality of subtractive schooling in El Sur de Tejas, Aztlán
Our study traces the pernicious whiteness of coloniality in elementary science classrooms in El Sur de Tejas, Aztlán. Our research method was an ethnographic case study that enabled us to explore participants' identities within bioregional contexts. In our findings, we emphasize the pernicious whiteness of coloniality via the participants' personal and professional identity tensions. Through our analysis, we subjunctively begin to outline what we call the multigenerationality of subtractive schooling.
Science teacher beliefs in conflict-affected zones of Jammu and Kashmir
This study examines science teacher beliefs working in the conflict-affected zones of Jammu and Kashmir. Research in these areas indicates that teacher beliefs influence their classroom practices and student learning outcomes and that teacher beliefs are highly context sensitive. Using data collected from a questionnaire and focussed group discussions, this research elucidates science teachers' beliefs regarding how conflict affects classroom practices, conflict and teaching issues, the multifaceted role of teachers in conflict-affected zones, the role of science education in ameliorating conflict, and the changing role of teachers during three decades of active conflict in Jammu and Kashmir. A nuanced picture of teacher beliefs originated from this study suggesting that despite challenges teachers are committed to children's academic, cognitive, and psychosocial growth.
Expanding the border of science education through the lens of Buddhist mindfulness
This is a hermeneutic phenomenological study that describes and interprets Wong's, the first author lived experience in the borderlands of science and Buddhist mindfulness as a science education doctoral student in Thailand. I explore my experiences in learning with multiple mindfulness teachers, including Thich Nhat Hanh from Buddhist traditions. and Additionally, I explore the affordances of being in the borderland of science and Buddhism, and how Buddhism can expand the border of science education through the inclusion of important topics, such as mindfulness, emotional wellbeing, and interbeing. This study also examines the roadblocks that are preventing deeper integration of science and mindfulness, including empiricism, scientism, individualism, materialism, and dualism. My standpoint is that to overcome the 21st grand challenges, teachers of science need to have the courage to cross the borders of various disciplines and help students develop essential skills for cultivating a healthy, balanced, and mindful lifestyle.
Beyond neat classifications: A case for the in-betweens
Simplified, reductionist approaches to curriculum design and delivery are pervasive in science education. In ecological curricula-particularly in, but not limited to K-12-biomes, ecosystems, habitats, and other units of study are simplified and presented as static, easily identified and described entities. Characteristics, components, and representative phenomena of each are taught, and student learning of these things is evaluated. However, this approach minimizes the complexity and dynamic nature of environments whether natural, human built, or some hybrid of the two. In this paper, I make a case for studying environments and environmental issues in all of their spatial, temporal, and compositional complexity from the very earliest ages as a way to increase environmental literacy among individuals as well as in the population as a whole. This, in effect, will cultivate learners with a better, more nuanced understanding of the natural world and will lead to citizens, professionals, and policymakers who are more inclined, have more efficacious intellectual tools, and who are better able to address the environmental issues and crises such as climate change, sea-level rise, wildfires, epidemics and pandemics, drought, and crop failure, that are becoming more common and more critical in the 21st century.
Disagreement as context for science-civic learning: an analysis of discursive resources brought to bear by high school science students
Amid a broader sociopolitical milieu of division, disagreement, and uncivil debate, this study investigates instances of disagreement among students in a high school science classroom as they attempt to answer the civic question of about climate change, a long contentious topic in the USA. Using a theoretical framework that frames relational practices and ideological positions as discursive resources, this study analyzes the resources youth bring to bear within disagreement. Through discourse analysis and qualitative coding of naturalistic moments of disagreement, this study shows that youth leverage diverse constellations of discursive resources when disagreeing over science-civic matters. From this analysis, I suggest paths forward in terms of research and practice in efforts to prepare young people for science-civic participation that will inevitably involve disagreement with others in one's community.
Special issue "reflecting on Freire: a praxis of radical love and critical hope for science education"-: Transnational conversations about science education: Paulo Freire, interculturality and socio-political transformation
In this article I will examine some of the issues raised by the following three articles in this special issue about Paulo Freire and science education: Jenny Tilsen's "The freshness of irreverence": learning from ACT UP towards socio-political action in science education"; Suzani Cassiani and Irlan von Linsingen's "Freirean inspirations in solidary internationalism between East Timor and Brazil in science education"; and Gonzalo Peñalosa, Jairo Robles-Piñeros and Geilsa Costa Santos Baptista's "Science Education and Cultural Diversity: Freire's Concept of Dialogue as Theoretical Lens to Study the Classroom Discourse of Science Teachers". Brought together within this special issue under the theme of , these articles explore the possibilities and tensions that emerge from thinking and practicing a Freirean-inspired science education that enables socio-political action and transformation by marginalised communities across the world. In this review, I will focus on ideas raised (to different extents) across these articles around three interrelated areas-interculturality and decoloniality, socio-political transformation, and teacher education and work-with the aim of expanding on what transnational inspirations and collaborations such as the ones promoted by this special issue can mean to those of us across the world working against the grain of marginalisation and dehumanisation (of students and teachers) from within science education.
Reimagining Freire: beyond human relations
By bridging critical pedagogy and environmental praxis, the contributions in this forum build on Freire's legacy while stretching his work. As the authors attend to more-than-human life, they theorize and enact relational ways of knowing. Through participatory and multisensory pedagogies, they counter dichotomies between nonhuman and human nature, student and teacher. In this response, I consider how this (re)centering of more-than-human relations expands-and counters-Freire's thinking, including how he articulates humanization as a primary, liberatory aim of teaching and (un)learning. Along with insights from Black geographies and Black feminist ecologies, bell hooks guides my response. hooks critiqued and engaged with Freire's work with radical care, with space for complexity and accountability. This way of reading feels particularly suited to this forum, as the authors reimagine Freire's contributions to critical (environmental) pedagogy for the twenty-first century and beyond.
Freirean inspirations in solidary internationalism between East Timor and Brazil in science education
The aim of this work is to reflect on the challenging trajectory of international cooperation between East Timor and Brazil, which focused on the need to rethink teacher education from a critical intercultural perspective, aiming to build emancipatory relations, love, and solidarity. From 2009 until 2016, we coordinated the Qualification of Teachers and Teaching of the Portuguese Language program in East Timor, inspired by the dialogicity of Paulo Freire, an educator well known and beloved by the Timorese people for his indirect contribution to the independence of that country. Freire's dialectic denunciation-annunciation was essential to identify the problems and propose solutions the Timorese and not only them. In addition, through our experiences in that country, we identified issues like those of Brazilian education as the effects of coloniality and introjections of inferiority and subordination, as well as the transnationalization of education, among other problems. Thus, the Freirean dialectic denunciation-announcement of this praxis, together with Timorese education, drove us to examine our own Brazilian territory, provoking intersectional reflections related to racism, gender and sexuality issues, and social class prejudice, among other forms of oppression. It deepened ways of acting based on critical interculturality and the concept of decolonial pedagogy, which suggested ways to fight for social justice in science education.
Fun moments or consequential experiences? A model for conceptualising and researching equitable youth outcomes from informal STEM learning
While there are many different frameworks seeking to identify what benefits young people might derive from participation in informal STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) learning (ISL), this paper argues that the sector would benefit from an approach that foregrounds equity and social justice outcomes. We propose a new model for reflecting on equitable youth outcomes from ISL that identifies five key areas: (1) Grounded fun; (2) STEM capital; (3) STEM trajectories; (4) STEM identity work; and (5) Agency+ . The model is applied to empirical data (interviews, observations and youth portfolios) collected over one year in four UK-based ISL settings with 33 young people (aged 11-14), largely from communities that are traditionally under-represented in STEM. Analysis considers the extent to which participating youth experienced equitable outcomes, or not, in relation to the five areas. The paper concludes with a discussion of implications for ISL and how the model might support ongoing efforts to reimagine ISL as vehicle for social justice.
A Freirean liberatory perspective of community colleges education: critical consciousness and social justice science issues in the biology curriculum
This paper discusses the value of a Freirean liberatory perspective in community colleges, countering the traditional "second chance" or "social reproduction" viewpoints attributed by scholars to the education offered in these institutions, emphasizing its vital need in science and healthcare careers education. I explore the potential of this perspective by providing illustrative examples from a biology course incorporating social justice science issues in the curriculum to examine their relationship in cultivating students' critical consciousness at a community college with a programmatic emphasis on healthcare professions.