A Novel Accelerometer Mounting Method for Sensing Performance Improvement in Acoustic Measurements From the Knee
Ozmen GC, Safaei M, Lan L and Inan OT
In this study, we propose a new mounting method to improve accelerometer sensing performance in the 50 Hz-10 kHz frequency band for knee sound measurement. The proposed method includes a thin double-sided adhesive tape for mounting and a 3D-printed custom-designed backing prototype. In our mechanical setup with an electrodynamic shaker, the measurements showed a 13 dB increase in the accelerometer's sensing performance in the 1-10 kHz frequency band when it is mounted with the craft tape under 2 N backing force applied through low-friction tape. As a proof-of-concept study, knee sounds of healthy subjects (n = 10) were recorded. When the backing force was applied, we observed statistically significant (p < 0.01) incremental changes in spectral centroid, spectral roll-off frequencies, and high-frequency (1-10 kHz) root-mean-square (RMS) acceleration, while low-frequency (50 Hz-1 kHz) RMS acceleration remained unchanged. The mean spectral centroid and spectral roll-off frequencies increased from 0.8 kHz and 4.15 kHz to 1.35 kHz and 5.9 kHz, respectively. The mean high-frequency acceleration increased from 0.45 mg to 0.9 mg with backing. We showed that the backing force improves the sensing performance of the accelerometer when mounted with the craft tape and the proposed backing prototype. This new method has the potential to be implemented in today's wearable systems to improve the sensing performance of accelerometers in knee sound measurements.
Attenuated Fractional Wave Equations With Anisotropy
Meerschaert MM and McGough RJ
This paper develops new fractional calculus models for wave propagation. These models permit a different attenuation index in each coordinate to fully capture the anisotropic nature of wave propagation in complex media. Analytical expressions that describe power law attenuation and anomalous dispersion in each direction are derived for these fractional calculus models.
Comparison of Poroviscoelastic Models for Sound and Vibration in the Lungs
Dai Z, Peng Y, Mansy HA, Sandler RH and Royston TJ
Noninvasive measurement of mechanical wave motion (sound and vibration) in the lungs may be of diagnostic value, as it can provide information about the mechanical properties of the lungs, which in turn are affected by disease and injury. In this study, two previously derived theoretical models of the vibroacoustic behavior of the lung parenchyma are compared: (1) a Biot theory of poroviscoelasticity and (2) an effective medium theory for compression wave behavior (also known as a "bubble swarm" model). A fractional derivative formulation of shear viscoelasticity is integrated into both models. A measurable "fast" compression wave speed predicted by the Biot theory formulation has a significant frequency dependence that is not predicted by the effective medium theory. Biot theory also predicts a slow compression wave. The experimentally measured fast compression wave speed and attenuation in a pig lung ex vivo model agreed well with the Biot theory. To obtain the parameters for the Biot theory prediction, the following experiments were undertaken: quasistatic mechanical indentation measurements were performed to estimate the lung static shear modulus; surface wave measurements were performed to estimate lung tissue shear viscoelasticity; and flow permeability was measured on dried lung specimens. This study suggests that the Biot theory may provide a more robust and accurate model than the effective medium theory for wave propagation in the lungs over a wider frequency range.
Application of Time-Delay Absorber to Suppress Vibration of a Dynamical System to Tuned Excitation
El-Ganaini WA and El-Gohary HA
In this work, we present a comprehensive investigation of the time delay absorber effects on the control of a dynamical system represented by a cantilever beam subjected to tuned excitation forces. Cantilever beam is one of the most widely used system in too many engineering applications, such as mechanical and civil engineering. The main aim of this work is to control the vibration of the beam at simultaneous internal and combined resonance condition, as it is the worst resonance case. Control is conducted via time delay absorber to suppress chaotic vibrations. Time delays often appear in many control systems in the state, in the control input, or in the measurements. Time delay commonly exists in various engineering, biological, and economical systems because of the finite speed of the information processing. It is a source of performance degradation and instability. Multiple time scale perturbation method is applied to obtain a first order approximation for the nonlinear differential equations describing the system behavior. The different resonance cases are reported and studied numerically. The stability of the steady-state solution at the selected worst resonance case is investigated applying Runge-Kutta fourth order method and frequency response equations via Matlab 7.0 and Maple11. Time delay absorber is effective, but within a specified range of time delay. It is the critical factor in selecting such absorber. Time delay absorber is better than the ordinary one as from the effectiveness point of view. The effects of the different absorber parameters on the system behavior and stability are studied numerically. A comparison with the available published work showed a close agreement with some previously published work.
Crack Identification of Cantilever Plates Based on a Kriging Surrogate Model
Gao H, Guo X, Ouyang H and Han F
This work presents an effective method to identify the tip locations of an internal crack in cantilever plates based on a Kriging surrogate model. Samples of varying crack parameters (tip locations) and their corresponding root mean square (RMS) of random responses are used to construct the initial Kriging surrogate model. Moreover, the pseudo excitation method (PEM) is employed to speed up the spectral analysis. For identifying crack parameters based on the constructed Kriging model, a robust stochastic particle swarm optimization (SPSO) algorithm is adopted for enhancing the global searching ability. To improve the accuracy of the surrogate model without using extensive samples, a small number of samples are first used. Then an optimal point-adding process is carried out to reduce computational cost. Numerical studies of a cantilever plate with an internal crack are performed. The effectiveness and efficiency of this method are demonstrated by the identified results. The effect of initial sampling size on the precision of the identified results is also investigated.
Development of a Semi-Active Electromagnetic Vibration Absorber and Its Experimental Study
Liu X, Feng X, Shi Y, Wang Y and Shuai Z
In this work, a semiactive electromagnetic vibration absorber has been developed based on a proposed electromagnetic stiffness adjustable spring model, which presents a new solution for adjusting stiffness in the field of vibration absorber devices. Simulation study on the electromagnetic spring has been performed to determine the structural parameter of the semiactive vibration absorber. An experimental rig is also built up to investigate its practical vibration control effectiveness. Firstly, the finite element model of the test bench is used to analyze its vibration characteristics. Then, the vibration reduction effect is predicted through the simulation analysis, from which the optimal control positions are found. Finally, the experimental studies are also conducted, and the results show that this semiactive electromagnetic vibration absorber has a frequency adjustment range from 21 Hz to 25 Hz, in which considerable vibration reduction from 5 dB to 10 dB can be achieved.
Dual-Functional Energy-Harvesting and Vibration Control: Electromagnetic Resonant Shunt Series Tuned Mass Dampers
Zuo L and Cui W
This paper proposes a novel retrofittable approach for dual-functional energy-harvesting and robust vibration control by integrating the tuned mass damper (TMD) and electromagnetic shunted resonant damping. The viscous dissipative element between the TMD and primary system is replaced by an electromagnetic transducer shunted with a resonant RLC circuit. An efficient gradient based numeric method is presented for the parameter optimization in the control framework for vibration suppression and energy harvesting. A case study is performed based on the Taipei 101 TMD. It is found that by tuning the TMD resonance and circuit resonance close to that of the primary structure, the electromagnetic resonant-shunt TMD achieves the enhanced effectiveness and robustness of double-mass series TMDs, without suffering from the significantly amplified motion stroke. It is also observed that the parameters and performances optimized for vibration suppression are close to those optimized for energy harvesting, and the performance is not sensitive to the resistance of the charging circuit or electrical load.
Experimental and Computational Models for Simulating Sound Propagation Within the Lungs
Acikgoz S, Ozer MB, Royston TJ, Mansy HA and Sandler RH
An acoustic boundary element model is used to simulate sound propagation in the lung parenchyma and surrounding chest wall. It is validated theoretically and numerically and then compared with experimental studies on lung-chest phantom models that simulate the lung pathology of pneumothorax. Studies quantify the effect of the simulated lung pathology on the resulting acoustic field measured at the phantom chest surface. This work is relevant to the development of advanced auscultatory techniques for lung, vascular, and cardiac sounds within the torso that utilize multiple noninvasive sensors to create acoustic images of the sound generation and transmission to identify certain pathologies.
Actuation of higher harmonics in large arrays of micromechanical cantilevers for expanded resonant peak separation
Dick N, Wallin CB, Krylov S, Grutzik S, Ilic BR and Zehnder AT
A large array of elastically coupled micro cantilevers of variable length is studied experimentally and numerically. Full-scale finite element modal analysis is implemented to determine the spectral behavior of the array and to extract a global coupling matrix. A compact reduced order model is used for numerical investigation of the array's dynamic response. Our model results show that at a given excitation frequency within a propagation band, only a finite number of beams respond. Spectral characteristics of individual cantilevers, inertially excited by an external piezoelectric actuator, were measured in vacuum using laser interferometry. The theoretical and experimental results collectively show that the resonant peaks corresponding to individual beams are clearly separated when operating in vacuum at the 3 harmonic. Distinct resonant peak separation, coupled with the spatially-confined modal response, make higher harmonic operation of tailored, variable-length cantilever arrays well suited for a variety of resonant based sensing applications.
Miniature Fiber Optic Acoustic Pressure Sensors With Air-Backed Graphene Diaphragms
Dong Q, Bae H, Zhang Z, Chen Y, Wen Z, Olson DA, Yu M and Liu H
Graphene has been known to possess exceptional mechanical properties, including its extremely high Young's modulus and atomic layer thickness. Although there are several reported fiber optic pressure sensors using graphene film, a key question that is not well understood is how the suspended graphene film interacts with the backing air cavity and affects the sensor performance. Based on our previous analytical model, we will show that the sensor performance suffers due to the significantly reduced mechanical sensitivity by the backing cavity. To remedy this limitation, we will, through experimental and numerical methods, investigate two approaches to enhance the sensitivity of fiber optic acoustic pressure sensors using graphene film. First, a graphene-silver composite diaphragm is used to enhance the optical sensitivity by increasing the reflectivity. Compared with a sensor with pure graphene diaphragm, graphene-silver composite can enhance the sensitivity by threefold, while the mechanical sensitivity is largely unchanged. Second, a fiber optic sensor is developed with enlarged backing air volume through the gap between an optical fiber and a silica capillary tube. Experimental results show that the mechanical sensitivity is increased by 10× from the case where the gap side space is filled. For both approaches, signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) is improved due to the enhanced sensitivity, and COMSOL Thermoviscous acoustics simulation compares well with the experimental results. This study is expected to not only enhance the understanding of fluid-structural interaction in sensor design but also benefit various applications requiring high-performance miniature acoustic sensors.