Impact of Psychiatric Information on Potential Jurors in Evaluating High-Functioning Autism Spectrum Disorder (hfASD)
During a trial involving an offender with a mental disorder, jurors are often required to evaluate information on the disorder and its characteristics. This evaluation relies on how jurors understand and synthesize psychiatric and other evidence on the disorder and this information's impact on the case, an offender's culpability, and the rendered verdict. The importance of this evaluation is further highlighted when jurors are faced with evaluating a disorder that may be associated with criminal actions of diagnosed offenders, such as high-functioning autism spectrum disorder (hfASD). We designed a three-part survey to assess potential jurors' attitudes concerning an offender's diagnosis with hfASD in terms of perceptions and decisions surrounding legal and moral responsibility, personal characteristics of the offender, the introduction of psychiatric and genetic information, and the condition's influence on the facts of the case. A sample of 623 jury-eligible U.S. adults completed the survey. We found the majority of participants were influenced by the information provided on hfASD. Most respondents indicated that hfASD diagnosis should generally not affect the legal responsibility of an offender, but many reported the disorder as a mitigating factor when evaluating moral responsibility and legal consequences for criminal actions. Respondents reported favorable and sympathetic perceptions of individuals with autism and associated characteristics but were unsure, even after the presentation of psychiatric information on hfASD, if these disorders should be classified as "mental illness." Further, the majority reported their views were in some way influenced by the fact that hfASD has potential genetic origins.
Validity Study of the CBCL 6-18 for the Assessment of Emotional Problems in Youth With ASD
Youth with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) often present with emotional problems such as anxiety and depression (American Psychiatric Association, 2013). A recent study of the Child Behavior Checklist 6-18 (CBCL; Achenbach & Rescorla, 2001) indicated good sensitivity but relatively low specificity for identifying emotional problems in youth with ASD. The current study examined the extent to which variance in the CBCL's Anxious/Depressed, Withdrawn/Depressed, Internalizing Domain, Total Problems scales was accounted for by symptoms of emotional problems relative to ASD symptoms. Correlation and multiple regression analyses indicated that these scales measured anxiety and depression but a small statistically significant proportion of variance in Total Problems scores was also accounted for by ASD symptoms. Results contribute to the emerging evidence base for the inclusion of the CBCL in assessment protocols for assessing emotional and behavioral problems in youth with ASD.
Treating Individuals With Intellectual Disabilities and Challenging Behaviors With Adapted Dialectical Behavior Therapy
Approximately one third of adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities have emotion dysregulation and challenging behaviors (CBs). Although research has not yet confirmed that existing treatments adequately reduce CBs in this population, dialectical behavior therapy (DBT) holds promise, as it has been shown to effectively reduce CBs in other emotionally dysregulated populations. This longitudinal single-group pilot study examined whether individuals with impaired intellectual functioning would show reductions in CBs while receiving standard DBT individual therapy used in conjunction with the Skills System (DBT-SS), a DBT emotion regulation skills curriculum adapted for individuals with cognitive impairment. Forty adults with developmental disabilities (most of whom also had intellectual disabilities) and CBs, including histories of aggression, self-injury, sexual offending, or other CBs, participated in this study. Changes in their behaviors were monitored over 4 years while in DBT-SS. Large reductions in CBs were observed during the 4 years. These findings suggest that modified DBT holds promise for effectively treating individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities.
A Comparison of the Autism Treatment Evaluation Checklist (ATEC) and the Childhood Autism Rating Scale (CARS) for the Quantitative Evaluation of Autism
The purpose of this study was to evaluate scores generated from the Autism Treatment Evaluation Checklist (ATEC), a parent-rated measure, and those derived from professionally completed Childhood Autism Rating Scale (CARS) evaluations. A cohort of 56 participants diagnosed with an autism spectrum disorder was used for the study, and each child was evaluated independently by the parent using the ATEC and a health care professional using the CARS. The Spearman's rank correlation statistic ρ was used to evaluate the correlation between ATEC and CARS scores. It was observed that there was a significant correlation between total ATEC and CARS scores (ρ = .71). Specific domains in the ATEC evaluation significantly correlated with CARS scores. Sensitivity, specificity, and receiver operating characteristic confirmed the association between CARS and ATEC domains. The results help to validate the utility of the parentally completed ATEC in comparison with an established, professional-related measure of autism.
Intellectual Disabilities and Neglectful Parenting: Preliminary Findings on the Role of Cognition in Parenting Risk
Parents with intellectual disabilities (PID) are over-represented in the child protective services (CPS) system. This study examined a more nuanced view of the role of cognition in parenting risk. Its goal was to validate a social information processing (SIP) model of child neglect that draws on social cognition research and advances in neuroscience. Mothers who had CPS child neglect cases were compared with mothers with no CPS involvement on a set of SIP factors. Mothers with low IQs were oversampled. As predicted, the Neglect group had significantly greater SIP problems than the Comparison mothers. SIP problems were associated with direct measures of neglect (e.g., cognitive stimulation provided children, home hygiene, belief regarding causes of child injuries). Further, for the direct measures that were most closely linked to CPS Neglect Status, IQ did not add significant predictive capacity beyond SIP factors in preliminary model testing. Implications for intervention with PID discussed.
Early Prevention of Severe Neurodevelopmental Behavior Disorders: An Integration
There is a very substantial literature over the past 50 years on the advantages of early detection and intervention on the cognitive, communicative, and social-emotional development of infants and toddlers at risk for developmental delay due to premature birth or social disadvantage. Most of these studies excluded children with severe delays or other predisposing conditions, such as genetic or brain disorders. Many studies of children with biological or socio-developmental risk suggest that behavior disorders appear as early as three years and persist into adulthood if not effectively treated. By contrast, little is known about the infants and toddlers with established risk for severe delays, who make up a significant proportion of the population with dual diagnoses later in life.In the past decade, there has been a growing interest in early detection and intervention with children aged birth to three years, e.g. the P.L.99-457, Part C Birth-Three population, who may have disabilities and severe behavior problems, e.g. aggression, self-injury, and repetitive stereotyped behaviors. The available research is scattered in the behavior analytic literature, in the child development literature, as well as in the child mental health and psychiatry literature, the developmental disability literature, the animal modeling literature, and the genetics literature. The goal of this introductory overview is to integrate these literatures, by cross-referencing members of these various groups who have worked in this field, in order to provide the reader with an integrated picture of what is known and of future directions that need more research.
Mass Screening for Severe Problem Behavior among Infants and Toddlers In Peru
INTRODUCTION: Severe behavior problems among people with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD) are a major barrier to integration in the community. Recent research suggests that these behaviors often begin very early in life and might be prevented by early identification and intervention (Rojahn, Schroeder, & Hoch, 2008). The current paper presents a method of mass screening for early signs of severe behavior problems among infants and toddlers in Peru. METHODS: A Parental Concerns Questionnaire (PCQ) which asks 15 questions, each related to a risk factor for severe behavior problems, based on past research on IDD, was used by veteran parents to interview 341 new parents who had been solicited by TV, radio, and public service announcements across the country. Of these, 262 were recruited and enrolled in a longitudinal study in which they will be followed for 12 months, to see if at-risk children actually will develop severe behavior problems. An extensive initial interdisciplinary evaluation was given to each child. Consumer satisfaction questionnaires were given to the parents as to their attitude toward the screening method. RESULTS: Data from the Interdisciplinary Evaluations of the sample suggest a very high hit rate (96%) by the screening instrument (PCQ). Consumer satisfaction was 98%, suggesting that the method was tolerated well by parents. DISCUSSION: The PCQ is a brief and efficient method to screen infants and toddlers at risk for severe behavior problems. The data also suggest that parents suspect these problems at a very early age. Early intervention thus seems a feasible strategy to intervene before these problems become deeply ingrained as children develop.
Identification of Emerging Self-Injurious Behavior in Young Children: A Preliminary Study
Self-injurious behavior (SIB) is a chronic disorder that often begins in early childhood; however, few studies have examined the onset of SIB in young children. This preliminary study reports on the identification, assessment and observation of SIB in 32 children who had begun to engage in SIB within the previous 6 months. Participants were ages birth to 5 years and presented with or were at risk for intellectual and/or developmental disabilities. Assessment measures included parental interviews, developmental and language measures, standardized measures of problem behavior, and direct observations conducted in the home. Results indicated that for most children, SIB emerged prior to age 1 year, and multiple topographies of SIB and other problem behaviors developed in most children. Multiple measures were useful in identifying SIB and in characterizing the behavior by topography, frequency, and severity. Findings from the examination of child communication in relation to SIB were inconclusive. Results are discussed in relation to theories of SIB emergence, and previous observational studies of young children with SIB.
Preschool Children with and without Developmental Delay: Risk, Parenting, and Child Demandingess
Although past literature has established relations between early child risk factors, negative parenting, and problematic child behavior, the nature of these interrelations and pathways of influence over time remains largely unknown, especially in children with developmental delays or disabilities. In the current study data were drawn from the longitudinal Collaborative Family Study and included a sample of 260 families with preschool children with and without developmental delays. Child-related risk was assessed at child age 36 months, maternal intrusiveness and negative affect at 48 months, and child demandingness at 60 months. Results indicated significant relations between early risk, negative parenting, and subsequent child demandingness. Sickliness as an infant was the most salient predictive risk factor of later child demandingness. Developmental delay was the most significant predictor of subsequent negative parenting. Results are discussed as being more indicative of additive rather than mediational processes given that early child risk and negative maternal parenting both contributed uniquely to the subsequent development of child demandingness.
Involvement of Youths with Autism Spectrum Disorders or Intellectual Disabilities in Multiple Public Service Systems
The objectives of this study were to estimate the prevalence of autism spectrum disorders (ASD) and intellectual disability (ID) among youths active in at least one of five public service systems - mental health [MH], educational services for youth with serious emotional disturbance [SED], child welfare [CW], juvenile justice [JJ], and alcohol and drug services [AD].This study also reports the characteristics and patterns of system involvement among these youths. Results indicate that approximately 12% of a random sample of youths involved in these public service systems had ID or ASD. These disabilities were particularly prevalent in youth in the SED (25%), MH (13%), and CW (13%) systems and were less prevalent in the JJ and AD systems (4% each). Youths with ID or ASD were more likely than other youths to be Caucasian, have a higher socioeconomic status, and be more likely to have externalizing psychiatric and other problems. Of those with ASD or ID, approximately one third were served in more than one service system, with the MH and SED systems most likely to be serving youths with externalizing psychiatric disorders. These findings have important implications for service provision, treatment planning, and workforce development.
Velo-Cardio-Facial Syndrome
Velocardiofacial syndrome (VCFS) also known as DiGeorge, conotruncal anomaly face and Cayler syndromes is caused by a microdeletion in the long arm of chromosome 22. We review the history of the syndrome from the first clinical reports almost half a century ago to the current intriguing molecular findings associating genes from the microdeletion region and the physical and neuropsychiatric phenotype of the syndrome. Velocardiofacial syndrome has a wide spectrum of more than 200 physical manifestations including palate and cardiac anomalies. Yet, the most challenging manifestations of VCFS are the learning disabilities and neuropsychiatric disorders. As VCFS is relatively common and as up to one third of the subjects with VCFS develop schizophrenia like psychotic disorder the syndrome is the most commonly known genetic risk factor to schizophrenia. Identifying the genetic, cognitive and psychiatric risk factors for VCFS-schizophrenia is under the focus of intensive research.
Nonverbal Social Skills of Adults with Mild Intellectual Disability Diagnosed with Depression
Depression is one of the most common psychiatric disorders in adults with intellectual disability (ID), yet little is known about depressive behaviors in an ID population. This study examined the nonverbal social skills of 18 adults with mild ID diagnosed with depression and a matched sample of adults with mild ID without depression. Nonverbal social skills were coded from videotapes of actual social interactions. Results indicate that adults with mild ID diagnosed with depression evidence a profile of maladaptive nonverbal social skills including limited body movement, a restricted range of facial expressions, infrequent smiling, speaking in a flat and quiet voice, and taking a long time to respond to the questions or comments of a social partner. Findings from this study have implications for enhancing the early detection and diagnosis of depression and guiding theories of and treatments for depression in an ID population.
Chronic Neglect and Services Without Borders: A Guiding Model for Social Service Enhancement to Address the Needs of Parents With Intellectual Disabilities
Child neglect has negative effects throughout the lifespan. Although an argument for a link between intellectual disabilities and neglectful parenting can be made, this paper argues for a more fine grained view of the cognitive problems that underlie child neglect perpetration and provides evidence for a social information processing model of etiology. Based on this model and what is known about the efficacy of behaviorally-based interventions, implications for enhancements to the social service system to adapt to the needs of parents with intellectual disabilities are presented. The areas covered include improvements to screening and assessment of parents; provision of adapted services; and changes in selection processes and training of staff. Future directions for integrating social information processing elements into interventions are discussed with examples from empirically tested prevention programs.
Using a Digital Frame and Pictorial Information to Enhance the SafeCare Parent-Infant Interactions Module With a Mother with Intellectual Disabilities: Results of a Pilot Study
Parents with intellectual disabilities (ID) are disproportionately represented in the child welfare system. Parents with ID can be better served by developing curricula that support various modes of learning. Technology offers a potentially effective tool because it is visual, interactive, and self-instructional. SafeCare is an evidence-based parenting program with flexibility to adapt its curricula while maintaining fidelity. This research presents the results of a pilot study that examined the effectiveness of an adaptation to the SafeCare parent-infant interactions (PII) module for a mother with ID by using a digital picture frame with pictures of the mother and her infant engaged in skills that met the performance criteria for PII. A multiple-probe design across behaviors was used with the mother and her infant, showing a dramatic increase in PII skills that was maintained across 3 monthly follow-ups. Although further research is necessary, the preliminary data suggest the digital picture frame enhancement to the SafeCare PII module may be a promising instructional tool for parents with ID.
Dementia in People with Severe/Profound Intellectual (And Multiple) Disabilities, and Its Natural History
Although the prevalence of dementia increases among people with severe/profound intellectual (and multiple) disabilities (SPI(M)D), dementia in people with SPI(M)D is not yet fully understood. Therefore, this study aimed to characterize the natural history of dementia in people with SPI(M)D, in particular, the prevalence and time of onset of dementia symptoms.
Dementia in People with Severe/Profound Intellectual (and Multiple) Disabilities: Practice-Based Observations of Symptoms
Observable dementia symptoms are hardly studied in people with severe/profound intellectual (and multiple) disabilities (SPI(M)D). Insight in symptomatology is needed for timely signaling/diagnosis. This study aimed to identify practice-based observations of dementia symptoms in this population.
Associations Between Religion/Spirituality, Family Characteristics, and Mental Health Among Parents with Children with Developmental Delay
Parenting children with intellectual and developmental disabilities can be stressful; however, families with religious beliefs may have positive ways of viewing their family. This study explored the associations between religious and spiritual involvement (RSI), family characteristics, parent mental health, and child adaptive and problem behaviours among 180 primary caregivers and their 3-year-old children with developmental delay (DD).
The Etiology of Oppositional Defiant Disorder for Children with and without Intellectual Disabilities: A Preliminary Analysis
Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD) appears more prevalent among children with intellectual disabilities (ID) as compared to children with typical development (Christensen et al., 2013). However, it remains unclear what drives this difference.
Refractive error and ocular findings among infants and young children with severe problem behavior and developmental disabilities
The prevalence of refractive error and ocular disorders among infants and young children with severe behavioral problems and developmental disorders is not well defined, particularly in developing countries. We performed a retrospective review of ophthalmic examinations performed during a National Institutes of Health-funded cohort study of very young children in Peru with behavioral problems and at risk for developmental disorders. 222 children between the ages of 0 and 4 years (mean 2.2 ± 0.9 years) were examined and 100 (45.0%) had an abnormal ocular exam. Overall, the prevalence of refractive error was 33.3%, nystagmus was 12.2%, and strabismus was 10.9%. Among children with Down syndrome, refractive error ranged from 46.2% at age 2 to 85.7% at age 4. Refractive error and ocular disorders are highly prevalent even at a young age in children with behavioral problems and developmental disorders. Much of the visual impairment in this population is treatable; early identification and intervention can have a lifelong positive impact on neurodevelopment.
The Development, Reliability, and Validity of the Social Impact of Repetitive Behavior Scale in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder
Current measures of restrictive and repetitive behavior (RRB) in people with autism focus on severity and intensity and, to some degree, the global interference of the behavior. In this study we developed the Social Impact of Repetitive Behavior Scale (SIRBS) to capture several different contexts in which repetitive behavior is likely to occur and interfere.
Characterizing Mood States in Individuals Diagnosed with Bipolar Disorder and Intellectual Disability
The purpose of this study was to gain additional insight on patterns of behavior of three individuals dually diagnosed with Intellectual disability (ID) and Bipolar disorder as they cycled between elevated and depressed mood states.
Musicality Correlates With Sociability and Emotionality in Williams Syndrome
Williams Syndrome (WS) is a neurogenetic developmental disorder characterized by peaks and valleys of cognitive abilities. One peak that has been understudied is the affinity that many individuals with WS have toward music. It remains unknown whether their high levels of musical interest, skill and expressivity are related to their sociable personality or their verbal intelligence. We examined the relationships between musicality (musical interest, creativity and expressivity), sociability (social-emotionality, social approach) and language comprehension in WS and typically developing (TD) controls. Findings suggest that emotion-expressivity through music in WS may be linked to their sensitivity and responsivity to emotions of others, whereas general interest in music may be related to greater linguistic capacity in TD individuals. Musicality and sociability may be more closely related in WS relative than in typical development; implications for future interventions for this neurodevelopmental condition will be discussed.
Developing the Diagnostic Interview for Adolescents and Adults with Mild/Moderate Intellectual Disabilities: An interview schedule of mental disorders (DIAAID)
Young people with intellectual disabilities (ID) are at an increased risk for experiencing mental health issues compared to their peers without disabilities. Further, there are limited resources available to help accurately assess mental health disorders and that are accessible for adolescents with ID.
They're Doing What? A Brief Paper on Service Use and Attitudes in ASD Community-Based Agencies
This brief paper examined the community services delivered to youth with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) in a Southern Californian city as a way to better understand ASD service provision and service attitudes. Specific goals of the study were to identify the services being delivered within the area, and how the use, perceived evidence and value attached to these services mapped onto recent systematic ASD service reviews. Forty-six providers completed the ASD Strategies and Interventions Survey (ASD-SIS), which consisted of 21 treatment strategies and 22 interventions packages commonly used with children with ASD. Participants: 1) indicated each treatment strategy and intervention package they use; and 2) rated the perceived evidence and value of each treatment strategy and intervention package they endorsed using. Results demonstrated that a variety of treatment strategies and intervention packages, both with and without an established evidence base, were reportedly being delivered to youth with ASD through community-based agencies. Additionally, a large number of providers reported not knowing the evidence of many treatment strategies and intervention packages. Finally, although no relationship was found between evidence base and use, perceived evidence, and value for treatment strategies, providers reported significantly higher use, perceived evidence and value for established intervention packages. Results demonstrate the need to more effectively disseminate strategies that can support providers in selecting services to deliver to youth with ASD, and underscore the need to better understand the community service landscape on a larger scale.
Long-Term Aripiprazole in Youth With Developmental Disabilities Including Autism
We retrospectively reviewed clinic charts of 21 children and adolescents with developmental disabilities including autism spectrum disorders (ASD) treated consecutively with aripiprazole (ARI) for irritability and severe challenging behaviors. Data extracted include age, sex, and race; level of intellectual disability (ID); Diagnostic and Statistical Manual-IV diagnoses including comorbidity, ARI dosage, and treatment duration; other psychoactive medications and Clinical Global Impressions-Improvement (CGI-I) at baseline and end point; weight; height; and side effects. Body mass index (BMI) z scores are compared with Centers for Disease Control norms. Eleven boys and 10 girls with ID and/or ASD ages 8 to 18 years (mean age 13.4 years) received ARI; mean dose was 8.4 mg/day (range 2.5 to 15); average duration was 60.6 weeks (7 to 132). Eleven of 21 patients (52%) met CGI-I response of ≤ 2. ARI was well tolerated, including together with stimulants, divalproex, or less commonly other medications. Mean BMI was 23.8 ± 5.9 at baseline and 24.2 ± 5.2 at end. Mean BMI z score increase was 0.06 ± 0.67. Four individuals (19%) manifested early intolerable weight gain. In this long-term clinical sample, ARI was effective in 52% and well tolerated. ARI was mostly weight neutral; early weight gain was intolerable in 19%. Larger long-term outcome studies are warranted in this population.
Risk-Taking and Delinquent Behaviors Among Youth with and without Intellectual Disabilities
Youth with intellectual disabilities (ID) demonstrate higher rates of disruptive behavior disorders (DBDs) than youth with typical development (TD). DBDs such as oppositional defiant disorder (ODD) predict higher rates of delinquency during adolescence. Yet, few studies have examined risk-taking and delinquency among youth with ID.
Behavior and adaptive functioning in adolescents with Down syndrome: specifying targets for intervention
Research suggests that adolescents with Down syndrome experience increased behavior problems as compared to age matched peers; however, few studies have examined how these problems relate to adaptive functioning. The primary aim of this study was to characterize behavior in a sample of adolescents with Down syndrome using two widely-used caregiver reports: the Behavioral Assessment System for Children, 2 Edition (BASC-2) and Child Behavioral Checklist (CBCL). The clinical utility of the BASC-2 as a measure of behavior and adaptive functioning in adolescents with Down syndrome was also examined.
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Depressed Adults with Mild Intellectual Disability: A Pilot Study
There is a paucity of research on psychosocial treatments for depression in adults with intellectual disability (ID). In this pilot study, we explored the efficacy of a group CBT treatment that involved a caregiver component in adults with mild ID with a depressive disorder.
Complex Psychiatric Comorbidity of Treatment-Seeking Youth With Autism Spectrum Disorder and Anxiety Symptoms
Anxiety disorders and other co-occurring psychiatric disorders significantly impact adaptive functioning for many children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). This descriptive study examines the complexity of psychiatric comorbidity in treatment-seeking youth with ASD and anxiety symptoms. Forty-two parents of 8- to 14-year-old children with ASD and anxiety symptoms completed a structured psychiatric interview (K-SADS) and provided information about the child's past and current psychological functioning as part of a screening process to enter an anxiety intervention program. Overall, comorbidity was very complex, with children obtaining an average of 4 psychiatric diagnoses (including anxiety disorders) on a structured clinical interview (range = 0-9). Onset and course differed by psychiatric disorder. Complexity of comorbidity did not differ significantly by age, sex, or autism severity. Despite clinical significance of the symptoms reported, few children were currently (or ever) engaged in mental health treatment or group psychosocial intervention. Although the specificity of the current sample limits the generalizability of these results, findings suggest that treatment-seeking children with ASD and anxiety often present with additional psychiatric symptoms, which supports a transdiagnostic approach to research and intervention in this area. Accurate assessment of comorbidity may provide valuable information for families and clinicians regarding individualized treatment approaches.
A Qualitative Analysis of Family Caregiver Experiences Accessing Treatment for Self-Injurious Behavior in Individuals with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities
There is evidence of a gap between individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD) who need treatment for self-injurious behavior (SIB) and those who receive treatment. The purpose of this study (=15) was to begin to understand the treatment gap from the perspective of family caregivers.