Modeling the Mutation and Competition of Certain Nutrient-Producing Protocells by Means of Specific Turing Machines
Kicsiny R, Hufnagel L, Lóczi L, Székely L and Varga Z
It is very important to model the behavior of protocells as basic lifelike artificial organisms more and more accurately from the level of genomes to the level of populations. A better understanding of basic protocell communities may help us in describing more complex ecological systems accurately. In this article, we propose a new comprehensive, bilevel mathematical model of a community of three protocell species (one generalist and two specialists). The aim is to achieve a model that is as basic/fundamental as possible while already displaying mutation, selection, and complex population dynamics phenomena (like competitive exclusion and keystone species). At the microlevel of genetic codes, the protocells and their mutations are modeled with Turing machines (TMs). The specialists arise from the generalist by means of mutation. Then the species are put into a common habitat, where, at the macrolevel of populations, they have to compete for the available nutrients, a part of which they themselves can produce. Because of different kinds of mutations, the running times of the species as TMs (algorithms) are different. This feature is passed on to the macrolevel as different reproduction times. At the macrolevel, a discrete-time dynamic model describes the competition. The model displays complex lifelike behavior known from population ecology, including the so-called competitive exclusion principle and the effect of keystone species. In future works, the bilevel model will have a good chance of serving as a simple and useful tool for studying more lifelike phenomena (like evolution) in their pure/abstract form.
Complexity, Artificial Life, and Artificial Intelligence
Gershenson C
The scientific fields of complexity, Artificial Life (ALife), and artificial intelligence (AI) share commonalities: historic, conceptual, methodological, and philosophical. Although their origins trace back to the 1940s birth of cybernetics, they were able to develop properly only as modern information technology became available. In this perspective, I offer a personal (and thus biased) account of the expectations and limitations of these fields, some of which have their roots in the limits of formal systems. I use interactions, self-organization, emergence, and balance to compare different aspects of complexity, ALife, and AI. Even when the trajectory of the article is influenced by my personal experience, the general questions posed (which outweigh the answers) will, I hope, be useful in aligning efforts in these fields toward overcoming-or accepting-their limits.
Neurons as Autoencoders
Bull L
This letter presents the idea that neural backpropagation is exploiting dendritic processing to enable individual neurons to perform autoencoding. Using a very simple connection weight search heuristic and artificial neural network model, the effects of interleaving autoencoding for each neuron in a hidden layer of a feedforward network are explored. This is contrasted with the equivalent standard layered approach to autoencoding. It is shown that such individualized processing is not detrimental and can improve network learning.
Outsourcing Control Requires Control Complexity
Langer C and Ay N
An embodied agent influences its environment and is influenced by it. We use the sensorimotor loop to model these interactions and quantify the information flows in the system by information-theoretic measures. This includes a measure for the interaction among the agent's body and its environment, often referred to as morphological computation. Additionally, we examine the controller complexity, which can be seen in the context of the integrated information theory of consciousness. Applying this framework to an experimental setting with simulated agents allows us to analyze the interaction between an agent and its environment, as well as the complexity of its controller. Previous research revealed that a morphology adapted well to a task can substantially reduce the required complexity of the controller. In this work, we observe that the agents first have to understand the relevant dynamics of the environment to interact well with their surroundings. Hence an increased controller complexity can facilitate a better interaction between an agent's body and its environment.
Heterogeneous Thresholds, Social Ranking, and the Emergence of Vague Categories
Lawry J
Threshold models in which an individual's response to a particular state of the world depends on whether an associated measured value exceeds a given threshold are common in a variety of social learning and collective decision-making scenarios in both natural and artificial systems. If thresholds are heterogeneous across a population of agents, then graded population level responses can emerge in a context in which individual responses are discrete and limited. In this article, I propose a threshold-based model for social learning of shared quality categories. This is then combined with the voting model of fuzzy categories to allow individuals to learn membership functions from their peers, which can then be used for decision-making, including ranking a set of available options. I use agent-based simulation experiments to investigate variants of this model and compare them to an individual learning benchmark when applied to the ranking problem. These results show that a threshold-based approach combined with category-based voting across a social network provides an effective social mechanism for ranking that exploits emergent vagueness.
How Perception, Actuation, and Communication Impact the Emergence of Collective Intelligence in Simulated Modular Robots
Rusin F and Medvet E
Modular robots are collections of simple embodied agents, the modules, that interact with each other to achieve complex behaviors. Each module may have a limited capability of perceiving the environment and performing actions; nevertheless, by behaving coordinately, and possibly by sharing information, modules can collectively perform complex actions. In principle, the greater the actuation, perception, and communication abilities of the single module are the more effective is the collection of modules. However, improved abilities also correspond to more complex controllers and, hence, larger search spaces when designing them by means of optimization. In this article, we analyze the impact of perception, actuation, and communication abilities on the possibility of obtaining good controllers for simulated modular robots, that is, controllers that allow the robots to exhibit collective intelligence. We consider the case of modular soft robots, where modules can contract, expand, attach, and detach from each other, and make them face two tasks (locomotion and piling), optimizing their controllers with evolutionary computation. We observe that limited abilities often do not prevent the robots from succeeding in the task, a finding that we explain with (a) the smaller search space corresponding to limited actuation, perception, and communication abilities, which makes the optimization easier, and (b) the fact that, for this kind of robot, morphological computation plays a significant role. Moreover, we discover that what matters more is the degree of collectivity the robots are required to exhibit when facing the task.
(A)Life as It Could Be
Beer RD
On this 30th anniversary of the founding of the Artificial Life journal, I share some personal reflections on my own history of engagement with the field, my own particular assessment of its current status, and my vision for its future development. At the very least, I hope to stimulate some necessary critical conversations about the field of Artificial Life and where it is going.
Comment on Randall D. Beer's "A(Life) as It Could Be"
Harvey I
Artificial Life Needs More Translational Research
Dorin A and Stepney S
On Recombination
Bull L
The predominant explanations for including chromosomal recombination during meiosis are that it serves as a mechanism for repair or as a mechanism for increased adaptability. However, neither gives a clear immediate selective advantage to the reproducing organism itself. This letter revisits the idea that sex emerged and is maintained because it enables a simple form of fitness landscape smoothing to explain why recombination evolved. Although recombination was originally included in the idea, as with the other explanations, no immediate benefit was identified. That a benefit exists if the dividing cell(s) form a simple colony of the resulting haploids for some time after reproduction is explored here and shown to further increase the benefits of the landscape smoothing process.
Evolving Novel Gene Regulatory Networks for Structural Engineering Designs
Dubey R, Hickinbotham S, Colligan A, Friel I, Buchanan E, Price M and Tyrrell AM
Engineering design optimization poses a significant challenge, usually requiring human expertise to discover superior solutions. Although various search techniques have been employed to generate diverse designs, their effectiveness is often limited by problem-specific parameter tuning, making them less generalizable and scalable. This article introduces a framework inspired by evolutionary and developmental (evo-devo) concepts, aiming to automate the evolution of structural engineering designs. In biological systems, evo-devo governs the growth of single-cell organisms into multicellular organisms through the use of gene regulatory networks (GRNs). GRNs are inherently complex and highly nonlinear, and this article explores the use of neural networks and genetic programming as artificial representations of GRNs to emulate such behaviors. To evolve a wide range of Pareto fronts for artificial GRNs, this article introduces a new technique, a real value-encoded neuroevolutionary method termed real-encoded NEAT (RNEAT). The performance of RNEAT is compared with that of two well-known evolutionary search techniques across different 2-D and 3-D problems. The experimental results demonstrate two key findings. First, the proposed framework effectively generates a population of GRNs that can produce diverse structures for both 2-D and 3-D problems. Second, the proposed RNEAT algorithm outperforms its competitors on more than 50% of the problems examined. These results validate the proof of concept underlying the proposed evo-devo-based engineering design evolution.
How Brains Perceive the World
Adami C
Then knowledge is to be found not in the experiences but in the process of reasoning about them; it is here, seemingly, not in the experiences, that it is possible to grasp being and truth. Plato, Theaetetus Can machines ever be sentient? Could they perceive and feel things, be conscious of their surroundings? What are the prospects of achieving sentience in a machine? What are the dangers associated with such an endeavor, and is it even ethical to embark on such a path to begin with? In the series of articles of this column, I discuss one possible path toward "general intelligence" in machines: to use the process of Darwinian evolution to produce artificial brains that can be grafted onto mobile robotic platforms, with the goal of achieving fully embodied sentient machines.
Network Bottlenecks and Task Structure Control the Evolution of Interpretable Learning Rules in a Foraging Agent
Giannakakis E, Khajehabdollahi S and Levina A
Developing reliable mechanisms for continuous local learning is a central challenge faced by biological and artificial systems. Yet, how the environmental factors and structural constraints on the learning network influence the optimal plasticity mechanisms remains obscure even for simple settings. To elucidate these dependencies, we study meta-learning via evolutionary optimization of simple reward-modulated plasticity rules in embodied agents solving a foraging task. We show that unconstrained meta-learning leads to the emergence of diverse plasticity rules. However, regularization and bottlenecks in the model help reduce this variability, resulting in interpretable rules. Our findings indicate that the meta-learning of plasticity rules is very sensitive to various parameters, with this sensitivity possibly reflected in the learning rules found in biological networks. When included in models, these dependencies can be used to discover potential objective functions and details of biological learning via comparisons with experimental observations.
Survival and Evolutionary Adaptation of Populations Under Disruptive Habitat Change: A Study With Darwinian Cellular Automata
Derets H and Nehaniv CL
The evolution of living beings with continuous and consistent progress toward adaptation and ways to model evolution along principles as close as possible to Darwin's are important areas of focus in Artificial Life. Though genetic algorithms and evolutionary strategies are good methods for modeling selection, crossover, and mutation, biological systems are undeniably spatially distributed processes in which living organisms interact with locally available individuals rather than with the entire population at once. This work presents a model for the survival of organisms during a change in the environment to a less favorable one, putting them at risk of extinction, such as many organisms experience today under climate change or local habitat loss or fragmentation. Local spatial structure of resources and environmental quality also impacts the capacity of an evolving population to adapt. The problem is considered on a probabilistic cellular automaton with update rules based on the principles of genetic algorithms. To carry out simulations according to the described model, the Darwinian cellular automata are introduced, and the software has been designed with the code available open source. An experimental evaluation of the behavioral characteristics of the model was carried out, completed by a critical evaluation of the results obtained, parametrically describing conditions and thresholds under which extinction or survival of the population may occur.
Investigating the Limits of Familiarity-Based Navigation
Amin AA, Kagioulis E, Domcsek N, Nowotny T, Graham P and Philippides A
Insect-inspired navigation strategies have the potential to unlock robotic navigation in power-constrained scenarios, as they can function effectively with limited computational resources. One such strategy, familiarity-based navigation, has successfully navigated a robot along routes of up to 60 m using a single-layer neural network trained with an Infomax learning rule. Given the small size of the network that effectively encodes the route, here we investigate the limits of this method, challenging it to navigate longer routes, investigating the relationship between performance, view acquisition rate and dimension, network size, and robustness to noise. Our goal is both to determine the parameters at which this method operates effectively and to explore the profile with which it fails, both to inform theories of insect navigation and to improve robotic deployments. We show that effective memorization of familiar views is possible for longer routes than previously attempted, but that this length decreases for reduced input view dimensions. We also show that the ideal view acquisition rate must be increased with route length for consistent performance. We further demonstrate that computational and memory savings may be made with equivalent performance by reducing the network size-an important consideration for applicability to small, lower-power robots-and investigate the profile of memory failure, demonstrating increased confusion across the route as it extends in length. In this extension to previous work, we also investigate the form taken by the network weights as training extends and the areas of the image on which visual familiarity-based navigation most relies. Additionally, we investigate the robustness of familiarity-based navigation to view variation caused by noise.
Evolvability in Artificial Development of Large, Complex Structures and the Principle of Terminal Addition
Fontana A and Wróbel B
Epigenetic tracking (ET) is a model of development that is capable of generating diverse, arbitrary, complex three-dimensional cellular structures starting from a single cell. The generated structures have a level of complexity (in terms of the number of cells) comparable to multicellular biological organisms. In this article, we investigate the evolvability of the development of a complex structure inspired by the "French flag" problem: an "Italian Anubis" (a three-dimensional, doglike figure patterned in three colors). Genes during development are triggered in ET at specific developmental stages, and the fitness of individuals during simulated evolution is calculated after a certain stage. When this evaluation stage was allowed to evolve, genes that were triggered at later stages of development tended to be incorporated into the genome later during evolutionary runs. This suggests the emergence of the property of terminal addition in this system. When the principle of terminal addition was explicitly incorporated into ET, and was the sole mechanism for introducing morphological innovation, evolvability improved markedly, leading to the development of structures much more closely approximating the target at a much lower computational cost.
Self-Reproduction and Evolution in Cellular Automata: 25 Years After Evoloops
Sayama H and Nehaniv CL
The year 2024 marks the 25th anniversary of the publication of evoloops, an evolutionary variant of Chris Langton's self-reproducing loops, which proved constructively that Darwinian evolution of self-reproducing organisms by variation and natural selection is possible within deterministic cellular automata. Over the last few decades, this line of Artificial Life research has since undergone several important developments. Although it experienced a relative dormancy of activity for a while, the recent rise of interest in open-ended evolution and the success of continuous cellular automata models have brought researchers' attention back to how to make spatiotemporal patterns self-reproduce and evolve within spatially distributed computational media. This article provides a review of the relevant literature on this topic over the past 25 years and highlights the major accomplishments made so far, the challenges being faced, and promising future research directions.
Editorial: Special Issue "The Distributed Ghost"-Cellular Automata, Distributed Dynamical Systems, and Their Applications to Intelligence
Nichele S, Sayama H, Medvet E, Nehaniv C and Pavone M
Editorial Introduction to the 2024 Special Issue on Open-Ended Evolution
Channon A, Bedau MA, Packard NH and Taylor T
Emergence of Self-Replicating Hierarchical Structures in a Binary Cellular Automaton
Yang B
We have discovered a novel transition rule for binary cellular automata (CAs) that yields self-replicating structures across two spatial and temporal scales from sparse random initial conditions. Lower-level, shape-shifting clusters frequently follow a transient attractor trajectory, generating new clusters, some of which periodically self-duplicate. When the initial distribution of live cells is sufficiently sparse, these clusters coalesce into larger formations that also self-replicate. These formations may further form the boundaries of an expanding complex on an even larger scale. This rule, dubbed "Outlier," is rotationally symmetric and applies to 2-D Moore neighborhoods. It was evolved through genetic programming during an extensive search for rules that foster open-ended evolution in CAs. While self-replicating structures, both crafted and emergent, have been created in CAs with state sets intentionally designed for this purpose, the Outlier may be the first known rule to facilitate nontrivial emergent self-replication across two spatial scales in binary CAs.
Cell-Cell Interactions: How Coupled Boolean Networks Tend to Criticality
Braccini M, Baldini P and Roli A
Biological cells are usually operating in conditions characterized by intercellular signaling and interaction, which are supposed to strongly influence individual cell dynamics. In this work, we study the dynamics of interacting random Boolean networks, focusing on attractor properties and response to perturbations. We observe that the properties of isolated critical Boolean networks are substantially maintained also in interaction settings, while interactions bias the dynamics of chaotic and ordered networks toward that of critical cells. The increase in attractors observed in multicellular scenarios, compared to single cells, allows us to hypothesize that biological processes, such as ontogeny and cell differentiation, leverage interactions to modulate individual and collective cell responses.