Reference CAD-CAM Samples for Dental Shade Communication for Successful Aesthetic Outcome
The study aims to produce CAD-CAM reference samples for shade communication milled from the material of the restoration zirconia (ZrO2) and zirconia-reinforced lithium silicate (ZLS) and evaluate the color difference with the corresponding conventional Vita Classical (VC) shade tab. Furthermore, it aims to verify the color consistency of the materials.
A Pilot Study to Predict Lifetime of Resin-Based Materials for Denture: Presentation of an In Vitro Thermally-Accelerated Ageing Method
The aim of this article was to present a method for predicting dental materials lifetime, using in vitro thermally accelerated ageing. The technique was tested to compare the behavior of 3 resin base materials for denture.
Effect of Fiber Reinforcement on the Flexural Strength of Long-Span, 3D-Printed, Interim Fixed Dental Prosthesis
To inspect the impact of polyethylene fiber (Ribbond) on the long-span, 3D-printed, interim fixed dental prosthesis regarding fracture strength.
Full Mouth Rehabilitation for a Patient with Angle's Class II Division 2 Associated Deep Overbite and Worn Dentition - Case Report With 2-Year Follow-Up and Literature Review
Some of the critical clinical challenges encountered in the treatment of adult patients with deep overbite and worn dentition include correction of deep overbite, establishment of an appropriate occlusal vertical dimension (OVD), and maintenance of long-term occlusal stability. Although Angle's Class II division 2-associated deep anterior overbite is common in orthodontic treatment, simple prosthodontic treatment with great improvement of deep anterior overbite and worn dentition is infrequently reported. A 51-year-old man with Class II Division 2 malocclusion presented with hypo-divergent facial pattern, reduced lower facial height, and protuberant lips. Intraoral examination revealed unevenly worn dentition and an Angle's Class II division 2-associated deep and traumatic anterior overbite. Based on the challenges of the presentation, it was imperative to design an protocol to ensure a predictable and favorable prognosis. According to the current protocols, prosthetic treatment of occlusal rehabilitation was applied. Following the 3-month evaluation period using interim prostheses, full-mouth ceramic restorations were completed. Significant post-treatment functional and aesthetic improvements were achieved with resultant stable inter-incisal contacts either immediately after treatment or during the 2-year follow-up period. Full mouth rehabilitation offers brilliant prospects for improved function, enhanced aesthetics, and improved health of the entire stomatognathic system of Angle's Class II division 2 patient associated with deep overbite and worn dentitions.
In Vitro Comparison of Surface Characteristics and Bacterial Adhesion in Composite Resin-Based Materials for Additive, Subtractive, and Conventional Manufacturing
This study aims to compare the surface roughness (SR), contact angle (CA), surface free energy (SFE), and bacterial adhesion of resin-based materials used in additive, subtractive, and conventional manufacturing techniques.
An Investigation of Stress Distribution Between Two Different Implant Concept in Implant-Supported Maxillary Prostheses with Different Framework Materials: A Finite Element Study
The purpose of this study is to compare the stress distribution between all-on four and all-on six treatment concept with various prosthetics framework materials through finite element analysis.
Effect of Food-Simulating Liquids on Hydrolytic Behavior of Resin Matrix Ceramics
This study aimed to evaluate the hydrolytic behavior of different computer-aided design/computer-aided manufacturing (CAD/CAM) resin matrix ceramics (RMCs) in different food-simulating liquids (FSLs).
Evaluation of the Mechanical Properties of Provisional 3DPrinted Resin After Repair with Different Materials: An In-Vitro Study
To evaluate the mechanical properties of the 3D printed provisional restoration material that was repaired using different materials.
3D-Printed Permanent Resin Crowns on Pre-Molar and Molar Teeth; Two-Year Results of a Prospective Clinical Study
The aim of this prospective clinical study was to evaluate the 12 and 24-month clinical results of overlay and one-piece endodontic crown restorations applied with additively manufactured 3D printed permanent ceramic-filled resin (PCR) according to the Modified US Public Health Service (USPHS) criteria.
Evaluation of the Bond Strengths Between Dental Ceramics and Co-Cr Frameworks Made with Digital and Conventional Techniques
Evaluate the influence of different Co-Cr framework manufacturing techniques on the bond strength between metal and two types of veneering ceramic with and without a metal primer.
Thirty-Year Clinical Performance of Double-Crown Retained Removable Partial Dentures - A Practice-Based Retrospective Study
This retrospective study evaluated the clinical long-term survival of 1405 double-crown retained removable partial dentures (DRPDs) over 30 years of follow-up. Kaplan Meier survival rate for DRPDs was 96.6% after 5 years, 88.2% after 10 years, 61.7% after 20 years, and 38.3% after 30 years. Survival rates of abutment teeth were 94.3% after 5 years, 80.2% after 10 years, 51% after 20 years, and 27% after 30 years. Key failure risk factors of DRPDs were age, ≤ 3 abutment teeth, and complete denture in opposing jaw. Abutment teeth failure risk factors included age, anterior abutment teeth, punctual support, and non-vital teeth.
Digital Workflow for Rehabilitation of Severely Discolored Teeth Due to Red Staining from Endodontic Material
The aim of this short communication is to present a technique to rehabilitate severely discolored teeth with computer-aided designed and computer-aided manufactured (CAD-CAM) zirconia crowns. After confirming the absence of periapical lesions and sufficient crown structure, any caries or fractured restorations can be removed and replaced by an interim composite restoration. A shoulder subgingival preparation is performed and scanned with an intraoral scanner to design a CAD-CAM zirconia crown using a monolithic zirconia material. This crown is highly polished using a specific polishing kit, but not glazed. This technique is suggested to be useful in cases of dark discolored teeth due to staining endodontic materials such as resorcinol-formaldehyde resin.
Complications and Patient Satisfaction in Fully Edentulous Patients Treated with a Digital and Conventional Complete Denture, A Cross-Over Clinical Study
The objective of this clinical study was to evaluate comfort, satisfaction, chewing ability and complications with digital complete dentures (DCD) and conventional complete dentures (CCD).
Influence of Different Cements on Bonding Efficiency Between Implant Abutment and Standard Restoration
This study aimed to investigate the efficiency of different cements for luting implant restorations. Standard restorations were bonded with different cements, including a zincoxide-based temporary cement (ZOE), a resin-modified glass ionomer cement (GIC) and a resin-based, eugenol-free cement (RBEFC). The restorations were stored under moist conditions and were subsequently subjected to thermal cycling and mechanical loading (TCML). Retention forces were determined with an axial tensile test and removabilty of the restorations was analyzed with a pneumatic crown remover. GIC provided significantly higher retention forces than RBEFC, which provided significantly higher values than ZOE. After storage, retention forces were significantly higher than after TCML. With regard to removability, no significant differences were identified between ZOE and RBEFC, but a significantly higher number of applications was required to remove restorations luted with RBEFC. All cements provided sufficient retention forces, yet removal of restoration might be more demanding if luted with RBEFC.
Shear Bond Strength of Five Different Repair Systems to Three Different Ceramic Materials
The purpose of the current study was to investigate the shear bond strength of composite resin in five different ceramic repair systems for three different ceramic materials.
A Case-Control Split-Mouth Study of Comparison of Maximum Occlusal Forces in Endodontically Treated Teeth and Vital Counterparts
To compare the maximum occlusal force in endodontically treated teeth and their vital contralateral counterparts and to evaluate the intraoral factors affecting them.
The Effect of Gastric Acid and Material Type on the Surface Roughness of Additive and Subtractive Manufacturing Resins
The aim of this study is to examine the effect of gastric acid on the surface roughness of additive and subtractive manufacturing resin.
Influence of Blowing Musical Instruments on Geometrical Face Changes: 3D Evaluation Study
This study examined changes in facial geometry while playing wind instruments. Nine musicians participated (6 men, 3 women, mean age 52 years) in part 1 of the study, and 3 musicians participated (3 women, mean age 41 years) in part 2. In part 1, the high and low notes of each instrument were selected as test sounds. Facial geometry data were recorded using a 3D scanner. In part 2, facial geometry data were recorded using a 4D scanner while a melody was played. Data were superimposed and analyzed using 3D analysis software. Numerical values and color maps of deviations were obtained. The results of part 1 revealed that the median 3D deviation was 1.1 mm (range 0.42-1.45 mm), indicating that facial geometry while playing high and low notes was varied. The results of part 2 showed that the stable part was the frontal region and dorsal part of the nose. The approach used in this study has potential applications for evaluating facial geometry during musical instrument performances.
Color Stability of PMMA Resins for Complete Denture Produced by CAD/CAM and 3D Printing Technologies: An In Vitro Study
The purpose of this in vitro study was to evaluate the effect of a staining solution on color stability of resins for complete dentures produced with conventional and digital technologies.
Fixed Prosthetic Rehabilitation with Full Digital Workflow Based on Jaw Kinematics Recording. A Case Series
The study aims at evaluating the impact of a full digital workflow on the restoration of masticatory function and aesthetic features in subjects rehabilitated with fixed prosthesis.