Effective behavior of cooperative and nonidentical molecular motors
Analytical formulas for effective drift, diffusivity, run times, and run lengths are derived for an intracellular transport system consisting of a cargo attached to two cooperative but not identical molecular motors (for example, kinesin-1 and kinesin-2) which can each attach and detach from a microtubule. The dynamics of the motor and cargo in each phase are governed by stochastic differential equations, and the switching rates depend on the spatial configuration of the motor and cargo. This system is analyzed in a limit where the detached motors have faster dynamics than the cargo, which in turn has faster dynamics than the attached motors. The attachment and detachment rates are also taken to be slow relative to the spatial dynamics. Through an application of iterated stochastic averaging to this system, and the use of renewal-reward theory to stitch together the progress within each switching phase, we obtain explicit analytical expressions for the effective drift, diffusivity, and processivity of the motor-cargo system. Our approach accounts in particular for jumps in motor-cargo position that occur during attachment and detachment events, as the cargo tracking variable makes a rapid adjustment due to the averaged fast scales. The asymptotic formulas are in generally good agreement with direct stochastic simulations of the detailed model based on experimental parameters for various pairings of kinesin-1 and kinesin-2 under assisting, hindering, or no load.
Hypergeometric decomposition of symmetric K3 quartic pencils
We study the hypergeometric functions associated to five one-parameter deformations of Delsarte K3 quartic hypersurfaces in projective space. We compute all of their Picard-Fuchs differential equations; we count points using Gauss sums and rewrite this in terms of finite-field hypergeometric sums; then we match up each differential equation to a factor of the zeta function, and we write this in terms of global -functions. This computation gives a complete, explicit description of the motives for these pencils in terms of hypergeometric motives.
Operations on stable moduli spaces
We construct certain operations on stable moduli spaces and use them to compare cohomology of moduli spaces of closed manifolds with tangential structure. We obtain isomorphisms in a stable range provided the -adic valuation of the Euler characteristics agree, for all primes not invertible in the coefficients for cohomology.
Tropical Ehrhart theory and tropical volume
We introduce a novel intrinsic volume concept in tropical geometry. This is achieved by developing the foundations of a tropical analog of lattice point counting in polytopes. We exhibit the basic properties and compare it to existing measures. Our exposition is complemented by a brief study of arising complexity questions.
On coefficients of Poincaré series and single-valued periods of modular forms
We prove that the field generated by the Fourier coefficients of weakly holomorphic Poincaré series of a given level and integral weight coincides with the field generated by the single-valued periods of a certain motive attached to . This clarifies the arithmetic nature of such Fourier coefficients and generalises previous formulas of Brown and Acres-Broadhurst giving explicit series expansions for the single-valued periods of some modular forms. Our proof is based on Bringmann-Ono's construction of harmonic lifts of Poincaré series.
Free boundary methods and non-scattering phenomena
We study a question arising in inverse scattering theory: given a penetrable obstacle, does there exist an incident wave that does not scatter? We show that every penetrable obstacle with real-analytic boundary admits such an incident wave. At zero frequency, we use quadrature domains to show that there are also obstacles with inward cusps having this property. In the converse direction, under a nonvanishing condition for the incident wave, we show that there is a dichotomy for boundary points of any penetrable obstacle having this property: either the boundary is regular, or the complement of the obstacle has to be very thin near the point. These facts are proved by invoking results from the theory of free boundary problems.
The -queens completion problem
An -queens configuration is a placement of mutually non-attacking queens on an chessboard. The -queens completion problem, introduced by Nauck in 1850, is to decide whether a given partial configuration can be completed to an -queens configuration. In this paper, we study an extremal aspect of this question, namely: how small must a partial configuration be so that a completion is always possible? We show that any placement of at most /60 mutually non-attacking queens can be completed. We also provide partial configurations of roughly /4 queens that cannot be completed and formulate a number of interesting problems. Our proofs connect the queens problem to rainbow matchings in bipartite graphs and use probabilistic arguments together with linear programming duality.
Tropical ideals do not realise all Bergman fans
Every tropical ideal in the sense of Maclagan-Rincón has an associated tropical variety, a finite polyhedral complex equipped with positive integral weights on its maximal cells. This leads to the realisability question, ubiquitous in tropical geometry, of which weighted polyhedral complexes arise in this manner. Using work of Las Vergnas on the non-existence of tensor products of matroids, we prove that there is no tropical ideal whose variety is the Bergman fan of the direct sum of the Vámos matroid and the uniform matroid of rank two on three elements and in which all maximal cones have weight one.
Mean field control problems for vaccine distribution
With the invention of the COVID-19 vaccine, shipping and distributing are crucial in controlling the pandemic. In this paper, we build a mean-field variational problem in a spatial domain, which controls the propagation of pandemics by the optimal transportation strategy of vaccine distribution. Here, we integrate the vaccine distribution into the mean-field SIR model designed in Lee W, Liu S, Tembine H, Li W, Osher S (2020) Controlling propagation of epidemics via mean-field games. arXiv preprint arXiv:2006.01249. Numerical examples demonstrate that the proposed model provides practical strategies for vaccine distribution in a spatial domain.
Designing rotationally invariant neural networks from PDEs and variational methods
Partial differential equation models and their associated variational energy formulations are often rotationally invariant by design. This ensures that a rotation of the input results in a corresponding rotation of the output, which is desirable in applications such as image analysis. Convolutional neural networks (CNNs) do not share this property, and existing remedies are often complex. The goal of our paper is to investigate how diffusion and variational models achieve rotation invariance and transfer these ideas to neural networks. As a core novelty, we propose activation functions which couple network channels by combining information from several oriented filters. This guarantees rotation invariance within the basic building blocks of the networks while still allowing for directional filtering. The resulting neural architectures are inherently rotationally invariant. With only a few small filters, they can achieve the same invariance as existing techniques which require a fine-grained sampling of orientations. Our findings help to translate diffusion and variational models into mathematically well-founded network architectures and provide novel concepts for model-based CNN design.
Modular knots, automorphic forms, and the Rademacher symbols for triangle groups
É. Ghys proved that the linking numbers of modular knots and the "missing" trefoil in coincide with the values of a highly ubiquitous function called the Rademacher symbol for . In this article, we replace by the triangle group for any coprime pair (, ) of integers with . We invoke the theory of harmonic Maass forms for to introduce the notion of the Rademacher symbol , and provide several characterizations. Among other things, we generalize Ghys's theorem for modular knots around any "missing" torus knot in and in a lens space.
The growth rate of multicolor Ramsey numbers of 3-graphs
The -color Ramsey number of a -uniform hypergraph , denoted (; ), is the minimum integer such that any coloring of the edges of the complete -uniform hypergraph on vertices contains a monochromatic copy of . The study of these numbers is one of the most central topics in combinatorics. One natural question, which for triangles goes back to the work of Schur in 1916, is to determine the behavior of (; ) for fixed and tending to infinity. In this paper, we study this problem for 3-uniform hypergraphs and determine the tower height of (; ) as a function of . More precisely, given a hypergraph , we determine when (; ) behaves polynomially, exponentially or double exponentially in . This answers a question of Axenovich, Gyárfás, Liu and Mubayi.
Period-like polynomials for -series associated with half-integral weight cusp forms
Given the -series of a half-integral weight cusp form, we construct polynomials behaving similarly to the classical period polynomial of an integral weight cusp form. We also define a lift of half-integral weight cusp forms to integral weight cusp forms that are compatible with the -series of the respective forms.