Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education

What skills and knowledge should speech-language pathologists have to work with deaf/hard of hearing children who use signed language?
Secora K, Lee B, Coppola M and Smith D
Deaf queers in the healthcare system
Farovitch L and Oakes L
Portrayal of Deaf characters in Korean movies
Chang A and Golos D
Characters in movies have the potential to influence perceptions of how people see themselves. Deaf adolescents who have little opportunity to interact with Deaf peers or family members may be particularly drawn to Deaf people they see in the media. How the media portrays Deaf people may impact Deaf adolescents' self-perceptions of and language preferences. Yet little is known about the ways Deaf people are portrayed in movies, particularly films developed outside of the United States and not in English. In this study, we utilized content analysis to explore the portrayal of Deaf characters in Korean movies and Deaf involvement in the production of films. Descriptive statistics were used to determine the extent to which characters were portrayed by medical or cultural perspectives of Deaf people. Findings indicate that 68.5% of scenes in the sampled Korean films include medical rather than cultural messages about Deaf people. Additionally, none of the movies had Deaf people directly involved in the production of the films. Implications for future directions regarding identity and portrayal of Deaf people in media are discussed.
Assessing sign language comprehension in adults with intellectual disability and deafness
Weber C, Weber C and Holzinger D
Language comprehension is an essential component of human development that is associated not only with expressive language development and knowledge acquisition, but also with social inclusion, mental health, and quality of life. For deaf and hard-of-hearing adults with intellectual disability, there is a paucity of measures of receptive sign language skills, although these are a prerequisite for individualized planning and evaluation of intervention. Assessments require materials and procedures that are accurate, feasible, and suitable for low levels of functioning. We adapted measures of English-language comprehension in young children-a direct assessment and a caregiver questionnaire-into Austrian Sign Language and to the target group of adults with intellectual disability and used them with a non-preselected sample of 67 deaf and hard-of-hearing adults with intellectual disability living in therapeutic communities specifically for deaf and hard-of-hearing people with multiple disabilities in Austria. Findings for both assessments demonstrate their construct validity, excellent internal consistency, and a large symmetrical distribution over the referential age range. Acceptance by the deaf and hard-of-hearing individuals and the caregivers and time-efficient administration suggest high practicability. We recommend further implementation in clinical practice, albeit with cautious interpretation of the results, and the inclusion of the instruments in research on intellectual disability and deafness.
Celebrating 30 Years of the Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education
Dostal HM
Deaf/hard of hearing ecological assessment form-child (DEAF-C)
Whitaker R and Morere DA
Only about 1% of the children receiving special education services are deaf or hard of hearing (DHH). This group of children is highly heterogeneous with respect to a range of factors such as age of onset, degree of hearing loss, language and communication choices and access, and educational settings. Capturing the complex background of a DHH child is a critical component of an appropriate and accurate evaluation. A structured developmental history is the most effective way to ensure clinicians of all levels of experience are gathering comprehensive information relevant to a DHH child. However, to date, no such assessment focusing on factors specific to DHH children exists. The purpose of this article is to introduce a structured background information and developmental history form designed to gather comprehensive developmental and ecological information unique to DHH children.
Correction to: Challenging the "norm": a critical look at deaf-hearing comparison studies in research
Deaf adult insights into elements of classroom discourse altered in interpretation
Crume PK and Langer EC
In this study, 19 college-educated deaf adults with experience using interpreters in educational settings provided insights into how successfully various elements of classroom discourse were preserved through interpretation. The deaf adults, fluent in American Sign Language (ASL) and experienced at using interpreters, watched educational interpreters' renditions of an elementary school art lesson, and answered questions, providing information about the clarity, completeness, and coherence of the message. Next, the deaf adults were asked to compare what they saw in the first interpretation of the lesson to what was conveyed in a second iteration by a highly experienced interpreter familiar with the lesson whose first language is ASL. A control group of 16 hearing adults accessing the lesson directly from the teacher answered the same questions. For the elements of classroom discourse studied-main ideas, project instructions, mental state references, and relevance strategies-results showed a substantial difference between what the hearing participants in the direct presentation condition received and what the deaf adults accessing the message through the educational interpreters received. Qualitative analyses of the differences-between the direct versus interpreted versions and between the deaf participants' responses to the two interpretations-revealed tendencies for, and ramifications of, alterations and omissions in classroom discourse.
A sign language journey to the land of smiles: Thailand study abroad
Meek DR, Ballentine PM, Buchanan BJ, Clark MD, Cohen BS and Simmons PK
This qualitative study focused on the synergistic experience of a group of Deaf1 and hearing participants during a 2-week international study-abroad program to investigate the impact of immersing hearing American Sign Language (ASL) undergraduate majors with culturally Deaf faculty and doctoral students. 20 participants included undergraduate students who were ASL majors, Deaf doctoral students, faculty members, and an interpreter. Data included narratives with the Deaf faculty leader and the hearing ASL interpreter, a content analysis with the hearing undergraduates, and a section focused on the Deaf perspective with a thematic analysis with the Deaf faculty, students, and alumni. 6 themes emerged in the discussion of students' experiences during the tour in Thailand, including being immersed into the Deaf world, the challenge of not comprehending what was happening, the patience of the Thai people, experiencing cultural differences, receptive skills improving, comprehension increasing, and issues related to scheduling of events. The impact of both international and multicultural influences are discussed. Additionally, recommendations for travel agencies that work with Deaf study-abroad leaders are included.
Translanguaging in content area classes
Cohen S, Scott J and Holcomb L
Sign language delays in deaf 3- to 5-year-olds with hearing parents
Morere DA and Allen TE
Deaf children of hearing parents (DOH) are at risk for early language delays (ELD) due to environmental and etiological factors, compounding the previously reported higher incidence of ELD in deaf children of deaf parents (DOD) compared to the general population. Archival data from the online database of the Visual Communication and Sign Language Checklist yielded 147 ratings of DOH 3- to 5-year-old children whose parents reported American sign language (ASL) being used in the home at least equally to spoken language. Research goals included (1) examining the incidence of ELD in this cohort, (2) investigating differences in outcomes based on the scaling method used, (3) exploring patterns among the ratings of DOH children identified with ELD, (4) comparing the DOH outcomes to published DOD data, and (5) investigating differences between ratings and individual children. The DOH outcomes suggested an incidence of ELD twice that of the previous DOD sample, with a higher percentage of more severe delays. Even DOH children not identified with ELD demonstrated less well-developed ASL skills than their DOD peers. This emphasizes the need for ongoing monitoring of early ASL skills to allow for early identification of needs and adjustment of interventions to address ASL development.
Kendra's journey: an intrinsic case study of a deaf autistic child
Gosselin Hills J and Bowen SK
This study used an intrinsic case study to investigate how interventions from applied behavior analysis impacted language development, academic progress, and the reduction of severe challenging behaviors for an 8-year-old child who is Deaf and autistic. 3 main themes were identified: language acquisition, behavioral change strategies, and academic performance. Additionally, 2 common threads wove in and out of each and connected all 3 themes: language access and qualified providers, including Deaf professionals. This study expands the literature about using behavioral strategies with children who are Deaf and autistic and discusses implications for clinical and educational practice.
A comparative study of how teachers communicate in deaf education classrooms
Holcomb L, Dostal H and Wolbers K
This study investigates the communication practices of four teachers in 3rd to 6th grade classrooms with 9 deaf students with limited language proficiency and in stages of emergent writing development. Analyzing language modalities, utterance types, and class interactivity, we found that teachers using American sign language used student-centered approaches, generating a greater number of directives and responsive utterances. They persevered in increasing students' engagement and were successful in clarifying misunderstandings. Teachers using spoken English used teacher-centered approaches, making general comments directed at the whole class, which consequently reduced student participation and responsiveness. They also largely avoided repairing communication breakdowns with emergent writers, focusing instead on those with greater auditory and speaking abilities. These patterns reveal disparities in classroom communication that can affect student learning. Our findings highlight the need for teacher preparation programs to equip teachers with skill sets to employ accessible and effective communication during instruction, especially with deaf students who are still developing foundational language and writing skills.
Challenging the "norm": a critical look at deaf-hearing comparison studies in research
Holcomb L, Hall WC, Gardiner-Walsh SJ and Scott J
This study critically examines the biases and methodological shortcomings in studies comparing deaf and hearing populations, demonstrating their implications for both the reliability and ethics of research in deaf education. Upon reviewing the 20 most-cited deaf-hearing comparison studies, we identified recurring fallacies such as the presumption of hearing ideological biases, the use of heterogeneously small samples, and the misinterpretation of critical variables. Our research reveals a propensity to biased conclusions based on the norms of white, hearing, monolingual English speakers. This dependence upholds eugenics ideas and scientific ableism, which reinforces current power dynamics that marginalize the epistemologies and lived experiences of deaf populations. Going forward, it will be imperative for deaf people to be included in meaningful roles in deaf-related research as active contributors who help define the whole research process. Without this shift, the research risks remaining detached from the very populations it seeks to understand.
It all made sense: ASL-first approach in classroom practice
Noschese EJ
This qualitative study delves into the innovative Bilingual Grammar Curriculum. The curriculum aims to enhance bilingualism and linguistic skills among deaf students by integrating American Sign Language instruction and written language grammatical structures. The researcher conducted in-depth interviews with 12 experienced educators of the deaf who have implemented the curriculum in their teaching practices. Employing a thematic analysis approach, the researcher sought to uncover the educators' perceptions, experiences, and insights regarding the curriculum's effectiveness and its impact on bilingual language acquisition for deaf learners. Findings revealed a diverse range or perspectives, highlighting both the advantages and challenges of the curriculum's implementation. Themes emerged encompassing the curriculum's alignment with linguistic theories, its adaptability to diverse learning needs, the role of educator training, and the incorporation of cultural nuances within bilingual instruction. The study contributes valuable insights to the field of deaf education, shedding light on the intricate dynamics of bilingual grammar pedagogy and providing recommendations for curriculum refinement and educator professional development. Ultimately, this research underscores the significance of innovative approaches in enhancing the linguistic abilities and educational experiences of deaf and hard-of-hearing students within a bilingual framework.
Applied deaf aesthetics toward transforming deaf higher education
Weber J, Hayward D, Skyer M and Snively S
Deaf aesthetics is a theoretical framework we actualized to enhance interactions in deaf education, particularly via multimodal pedagogy and curricular experiences. Prior research illustrates that deaf aesthetics are desired by deaf teachers and students who are deaf; however, most instructional-delivery formats lack these supports. The present mixed-methodology, multi-method case study is an empirical evaluation of how deaf aesthetics contributed to the process of redesigning a course, including major revisions to instructional slide decks (e.g., PowerPoint, Google Slides, Prezi). The research question we examined is: How can instructional designers and university educators effectively design and use deaf aesthetics and multimodal curricula and pedagogies to prompt and sustain educational interactions with deaf or deafblind learners and teachers?
Variation in second-grade reading in children who are deaf and hard-of-hearing
Couvee S, Wauters L, Knoors H, Verhoeven L and Segers E
We investigated relations between kindergarten precursors and second-grade reading skills in deaf and hard-of-hearing (DHH) children, and aimed to identify subgroups based on reading skills, in order to explore early signs of later reading delays. DHH children (n = 23, Mage kindergarten = 6.25) participated from kindergarten-second grade. They were tested on phonological awareness, letter knowledge, spoken vocabulary, speechreading, fingerspelling, and sign vocabulary in kindergarten, and word decoding and reading comprehension in second grade. In second grade, word decoding scores were low-average while reading comprehension scores were below average compared to hearing norms. Word decoding correlated with phonological awareness, letter knowledge, and spoken vocabulary. Reading comprehension correlated with all measures except fingerspelling. Cluster analysis identified three second-grade-reading subgroups; group-1: below-average word decoding and reading comprehension; group-2: high-average word decoding, below-average reading comprehension; group-3: average word decoding and reading comprehension. Furthermore, group-1 differed from group-2 and group-3 on word decoding, group-1 and group-2 differed from group-3 in reading comprehension. Regarding kindergarten measures, group-1 scored below group-2 on letter knowledge, and below group-3 on spoken and sign vocabulary. We found that particularly letter knowledge and spoken and sign vocabulary seem to be crucial for the development of reading skills 2 years later.
"I Learned as I Went": an online distance education case study
Meek DR, Skyer ME and Donaldson MM
Interactions between deaf and hard of hearing (DHH) students and instructors in online distance education (ODE) increased exponentially during the COVID pandemic. To understand this phenomena, we conducted a comprehensive literature review about evolving ODE formats customized for deaf student's needs. This literature shows increasing multimodal, multilingual, and interactive features. Next, we examined empirical data from a collective case study implemented to better understand ODE phenomena from the perspectives of DHH students and faculty in higher education. We used 4 data collection strategies: (1) in-depth, semi-structured faculty interviews, (2) observations of teaching-learning interactions, (3) focus-groups featuring undergraduate and graduate DHH students, and (4) curriculum document analyses. We coded the dataset using MAXQDA software and uncovered 10 triangulated themes; 4 focus on instructors, 4 center students, and 2 describe student-faculty interactions. Overall, this qualitative analysis is a particularizing account of our participant's lifeworlds; however, we close with general recommendations for improving ODE practices through research.
DHH and L2 college students' knowledge of English resultatives and depictives
Kelly RR, Berent GP, Finton E, Schueler-Choukairi T, Van Horn S, Chen Z, Persky K, Rizzo SP and Schmitz KL
College-level deaf and hard-of-hearing (DHH) students and hearing students of English as a Second Language (L2) along with hearing native speakers (NS) of English were assessed in their knowledge of English resultative and depictive sentences. In "Kevin wiped the table clean," the resultative phrase "clean" indicates that the table became clean as a result of Kevin wiping it. In "Megan drove the car drunk," the depictive phrase "drunk" describes Megan's state throughout the entire event of driving. Findings of a sentence-acceptability rating scale task revealed higher performance by the NS group compared to the DHH and L2 groups, whose near-equivalent performance improved with increasing overall English proficiency. Participants exhibited higher performance on active, passive, and unaccusative resultative sentences than on ungrammatical unergative resultatives and higher performance on grammatical than ungrammatical depictive sentence types. These findings contribute new insights into the comparative study of English acquisition by DHH and L2 learners.
The macrostructure of narratives produced by children acquiring Finnish Sign Language
Pietarinen H and Kanto L
This article investigates the narrative skills of children acquiring Finnish Sign Language (FinSL). Producing a narrative requires vocabulary, the ability to form sentences, and cognitive skills to construct actions in a logical order for the recipient to understand the story. Research has shown that narrative skills are an excellent way of observing a child's language skills, for they reflect both grammatical language skills and the ability to use the language in situationally appropriate ways. This study was conducted using the FinSL Narrative Skills Production Test assessment to observe how narrative skills develop in children between the ages of 4 and 11 who acquire FinSL in their natural language environments. The results show that the narrative skills of children acquiring FinSL develop following the same guidelines found in other signed and spoken languages. Narrative structure and content increase with age.
The story so far: scoping review of narratives in deaf children
Puhlman J, Sabatino L, DeLuca ZW, Lorio C and Decker L
Narrative language samples can be used to measure language development in children, but research on narrative development in deaf and hard-of-hearing (DHH) children is scarce, limiting knowledge of developmental stages and best practices for collection and analysis. This scoping review included 39 articles that explored recent methodologies and achievements in oral or signed narratives of DHH children, including comparisons with hearing peers and within-group analyses of early auditory experience, device use, and other measures. Articles featured DHH participants aged < 4 to 18 years, varying in device use, communication modalities, and educational settings. Most studies utilized story generation tasks with early elementary-aged children and analyzed either microstructure or macrostructure. Mixed results in comparisons with hearing children emphasized the need to consider individual differences (e.g., speech perception and age of spoken language access) in DHH narrative assessments. Findings also suggest that comparability across studies would be improved by more consistent terminology and procedures in narrative collection/analysis.